Nerms WIP CS Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") First Name: *Hi my name is adam. but my friends like to call me A&^#hole and Fa*&#%^t and other nasty things that is too mature for all of those Little kids on the internet reading this right now* Adam Last Name: Fisher Code Name: Guard: *Adam you gotta have a codename* adam: *why? are we Justice league or some crap* guard: *Fine your codename is Fisher* adam: *well that sounds fishy* *the guard gets frustrated and storms out of the room recorded Interrogation with adam Age(7-18): 16 Gender: male Original Floor (2-5): 1 Power (Can only be one thing): has the power to Mind control people for short amounts of time Special Skills: manipulative. con man. Theme Song (Optional): Bad to the bone- ac-dc Outfit (Optional): black leather jacket. Jeans. Ac-dc band T-shirt Other: Adam Often uses his powers to Commit crimes, also hes a Big criminal which took him too the first floor (your mind) **hey bro. guess what. RAWR**- adam trolling someone Also he has a habit of traveling across the floors and Stealing peoples money adam also likes making lots of puns which are really bor**Yeah Adams very punny right. and unbearable but overall hes just Berry punny,** GODAMMNIT ADAM STOP MESSING WITH MY BRAIN Adam: hey its not me this time! honest! PS adam has a habit of breaking the forth wall