Sitting outside on the ground a short walk from the dormitories, Hide sat quietly, gazing up blankly at the sky. It was mostly quiet where he was at, even with the commotion that had started with Louis a distance away, the young man had yet to seemingly notice. Or maybe he had and was just choosing not to care. A soft sigh would escape him as he finally drops his gaze to the ground, staring rather tans-fixedly at the thing he had been trying to avoid looking at since he awoke this morning. The thing. _It_. Hide didn't have a real name for the doppelgangers that appeared on their own, at least not yet. He didn't feel the need to give something that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place a name. The object of his avoidance sat a few feet in front of him, in a faint wispy cloud unseen by the rest of the world, even those gifted with special sight. It looked human enough, it had the shape of one at least. He could even make the outline of his hair that was bundled up at the nape of his neck. It had no eyes, no face, no other defining features to really give away to who or what it was. Even in the light its dark wispy form did not fade nor flicker, it was just there. Copying him as he stared at it, resulting in it staring back at him. While it could not express itself through its face or body language, Hide understood it perfectly. The mix of anxiety and anger he had bottled up from the start of the new semester was finally manifesting itself. And it had only been a week! Suddenly a soft groan escapes Hide as the throws his hands into the air, flopping over onto his side. He rolled slightly, but quickly stopped as he curled up a bit. The quarter-formed doppelganer copied his motion, even catching the rather large heave of his lungs while he sucked in a sharp breath, slowly exhaling with a loud sigh. It had only been a week and he was already having problems, not that anyone else could see it. "**Shoo. Shoooooooo.**" Hide said aloud towards the quarter-formed doppel, even going as far as to lift a hand to 'shoo' it away. He was quite sure no one else would be heading in this direction, it was too quiet and a dead end... what better place to talk to one of the monsters his ability helped create.