Name: *Harold Frankfurt* ![]( Age: *16.* Gender: *Male.* Personality: Harold is a Robot at heart. Not physically, no, but emotionally. Little sways him, except when he's panicking, pissed off, or just annoyed. Other than that, little has ever pierced his cold metal heart. He has come to the conclusion this is due, at least in part, to his own Talent. His amazing ability with pretty much all things mechanical he thinks has led him to take on personality characteristics of them as well: Logical to the best of his ability, indifferent to others/not apart of programming, ruthless, held back by only their lackings and their programming (Such as Harold's Honor, while a Computer's Programming), etc. While this is true for him, he does have a little chip of himself that still a normal(ish) human. He likes to tease and mess with people, he likes to have fun, he's selfish (To a fault almost), and he can understand a lot of things about people....but that doesn't mean he does anything more than sympathize....and even **that's** a maybe. He isn't really that bad of a guy, as he's easy to get along with for most people, but it doesn't take a genius to recognize that Harold doesn't usually care all that much. Be friends with the school's bully and servant? Sure, he doesn't care. Little makes him, and only slightly more has proven to hold his actual interest. Boredum is practically a constant for him, he once said. He's also snarky and sarcastic, like any good and proper teenager! Talent: *Mechanical Mastermind*: Harold has amazing talent when it comes to all things mechanical. If it's a computer, or a mechanical weapon or armor of some kind, Harold can understand how it works with almost frightening ability. He also has worked with such elements for several years as a hobbie, thus gaining extra experience in the know-how and inner workings of many mechanical appliances. His personal field of study into his ability is Robotics and Cybernetics. While he may be capable of many things like hacking, he has yet to par take in any....apperently, there wouldn't be any fun in that. Ability: *Techno-Babble*: Harold is able to freely speak and converse with any sort of mechanical technology, from the simplest phone, to the most advanced super-computer AI(In theory anyway, he hasn't had the chance thus far for that). He can ask any question, and persuade to any amount, however this requires an insane amount of logical thinking- because they're computers at heart, and as computers, they think with the logic and programming they were designed with. This makes convincing them to do or say anything extremely hard, even for a ruthless guy like Harold. This ability has proven to be unbelievably helpful in keeping anything he doesn't want seen on a video camera, to be deleted, by the camera itself no less! Also, if he can convince them to, some mechanical objects can be convinced to "fight" for Harold, however this is a draining technique and not every techonological piece is capable of being swayed under it. Thus is two of the abilities of *Techno-Babble*. However, the Internet, for obvious reasons, can'y be convinced to do anything. Or, maybe it can be. If it could, it would undoubtably be incredably draining for Harold. Bio: Harold is a new transfer student to Saint Dymphna's Highschool, and has had no contact or real experience with the school or it's policies-known or unknown. His parents made him transfer schools when they found out he had been trying to put together a fully fledged self-aware robot. He didn't get it down yet, but he still tries. However his parents didn't view this as a productive use of his time, and after many, many arguments, offered him the opportunity to go to boarding school for a year. Needless to say, he very happily accepted. To him, it would mean a practical, and free, reign on his own life now. Harold is a guy who most would find both easy to get along with at times, and one of the weirdest, biggest, nerds/geeks and one that acts and seems like a human robot. It gives him few real friends in the world, and most he was convinced he'd see in a year anyways. He doesn't know whether or not he'll be leaving Saint Dymphna's before senior year. Overall, Harold's life has revolved around Gaming and Mechanics, one due to the fun and love he has for the sport, and the other due to his talent, which he also loves. He can commonly be found working on a new robotic project or playing a game of some kind in his free time. While able to be proficient in many fields of science due to his talent, his choosen specialty is the field of Robotics and Cybernetics. Nobody knows if he's actually made any progress in either though. All others know about him other than that, and the basics of life, is that there have been rumors of an odd amount of strength or speed in some of his limbs before. Of course, these are only rumors, and nobody can comfirm them or their truth. He is currently unaffiliated with any group of the school. Other: The Leaderboard is where Harold aims for in life. Both as a Gamer, and not. So long as he can prove to be one of the best in the world, and make his own mark on history somehow, that wasn't stupid, Harold would be quite happy with his life. However, he does not seem to hold any real ambition beyond least, not yet anyways. Also, Harold has had strange occurances happen with the strength, speed, etc. of his Left Arm before. It was never revealed WHY this happened, but to any who know of the extent of his ability might be able to piece this mystery together- for just because you have a supporting power, doesn't mean that everything you can do with it is supporting as well, or maybe it would be more accurate in this case....super-supporting? Finally, he views all things that would impair judgement and the like to be....unhelpful, and generally stays as far as he can from them. His reasoning being that "I'm bad enough already, I don't need to take something that'll just make me worse- if even for just a while."