Ione started walking away, with Paige by her side. However, the guy from before stopped her, and then he started saying cryptical, almost nonsensical things. Paige started laughing. **"I never thought I'd find someone as crazy as you, Ione, but this guy gets the award!"** The ghost said, mocking both her friend and the boy. Another slight blush came to the girl's face, but this time, she suppressed her desire to hit Paige. She was about to answer the question of the boy when someone else arrived. One of the rulers. Ione rolled her eyes. **"Geez, my name is not 'Poltergeist, it's Ione Juliet Barnett. It is a really pretty name, so at least use it."** She said, puffind her cheeks a bit and switching to her real self for a moment there. She shook her head slightly to get back into her Juliet character. **"And I don't need my friends to scare the freshmen... The sight of you is enough to do that, Louis."** **"That's right, that's right! Looooser!"** Paige said, safely knowing that Louis wouldn't be able to hear her. Ione took the ghost by the neck of her shirt and brought it to her side again, preventing her from mocking Louis more. **"And about your question, I'd rather remain neutral. None of the rulers want me, nor do I want to be in their team. I will just do my best to try and avoid them."** She was about to turn around and walk away when she sighted someone with something ghastly on them. She felt like going after the boy, but no, not right now. She'd investigate later and see if there's another Medium among them. **"Now, if you'll excuse us, Ms. Zero, we have a conversation pending between the two of us. Now, mister... Wait, was your name?"** She said, turning to see Saoji and tilting her head a bit. **"Oh, but where are my manners! I am Ione, and this here is my friend Paige."** She pointed at thin air, and, even though Paige was waving at the guy, he wouldn't be able to see her.