**Name:** Kugata Ryousei **Appearance:** ![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Z6HTQJZrdfs/UDh0-dttPGI/AAAAAAAACqA/XNUyZFRin5o/s1600/anime-art-boy-glasses-Favim.com-316897.jpg "enter image title here") **Gender:** Male **Age:** 21 **Occupation:** College Student & a bartander during the night. **Personality:** Your average Joe, Ryousei doesn't particularly stand out. He always arrives to school timely, does his homework, skips one or two classes a month, has a fairly large circle of friends, has an habit of smoking a cigarette at least twice a day and also likes video games. He is the kind of guy who doesn't really stand out neither does he really goes unnoticed. If anything, one could say that Ryousei's biggest part of his personality is his desire to help others and his love for physics. He likes helping others without really expecting something else in return, so people often take advantage of this and have him fix their electronics or make him carry something heavy. Ryousei is also someone modest who doesn't really search for recognition from his peers and is merely satisfied with seeing them happy. He doesn't really mind if the credit for something he did is stolen by someone else, to be honest, as long as people can hear about it if it was important. He is surprisingly selfless, maybe even to a fault. **Power:** Probability Alteration. Ryousei can ben probabilities to adjust his needs, however, he does not how to use his power well so it is mostly useless. **Color:** Purple **Bio:** A biography about Ryousei? It is bound to be something boring. He lived with his parents until he started attending college. He always was the same way he is now. Someone you might not even miss if he just up and vanished, because you'd be able to find another one like him in no time. He has had his fill of life's pleasures. He has gotten so drunk he could barely stand up the next day, smoked so much he felt like spitting up one of his lungs and he has also had his fill of girlfriends too. He changed when he started college, though. The only addiction he stuck with was smoking. Right now, he has a club with a couple of friends he spends a lot of time with, and now, with the start of this war, he has been trying to help others survive it, even if it means his own demise. **Other:** None right now. **Relationships:** Ryousei is acquaintances with someone he simply calls Tempo.