**Nono - Agent-Only Hallways, Yggdrasil** If Nono was aware of the mixed feelings that Saber had regarding the status she had been given, she didn't voice any reaction to that. After all, if she were to be honest, Nono was several thousand years old. Not really a contest that one wanted to get into. So she gave the knight a moment to collect herself and come up with some sort of answer, the pink haired android proceeding alongside her at a matching pace. Given her personal opinion, it was no more of a worry than when Lal'c did the same thing. And she managed to keep from going down memory lane as she finally received an answer. "Alright," she replied, noting the slightly dazed expression that her 'older sister' got at the same time, which prompted a grin from the android as they proceeded along. "That sounds like a fun." Sure, it wasn't fighting bad guys or stuff like that, but it would do She'd been a waitress after all, and getting the chance for new experiences was well worth it. At that point they were approached then by one of their colleagues, and Nono directed her attention as he spoke to them. Now, Kuzaku, that was the pilot she'd been looking for. He reminded her of Niccola, with some slight differences. If Saber was her 'older sister', he fit the role of 'older brother' pretty well, though she didn't say as much. After all, Nonoriri hadn't flown with a male pilot. Leaving aside the mention of health, Nono bowed respectfully in return. "Thank you, but I don't need any help right now. Me and onee-sama were about to go to the restaurant district." She'd leave it to Saber whether to invite him to come along or not, since it wa sher idea to go to there in the first place. --- **Cinder Fall - Shadow Eternity HQ Hangar** Cinder repressed a mental grimace as Charlotte spun about to look at her, energetic and with a deceptively cute appearance that might have even slightly tricked her if she didn't know what was beyond it. Which didn't make her antics any less annoying, but that was something she had to tolerate in order to secure the Witches assistance. For all her eccentricity, she was effective after all. She shook her head then. "Not this time," she told Charlotte, to at least imagined disappointment, but that she could live with. As long as she got what she wanted. "I need your help to collect some things for a project of mine. They're not easy to get though, and the UMMA will probably try to stop us." Considering the kind of stuff that she was going after, there was a good possibility of that. "And we don't want that, right?" Sometimes, she just wanted to burn everything to the ground, but for now, she was grateful that her allies were so easy to use. It made things that much simpler.