> > Damn this thing does still exist. > > > > Hey guys, I'm not sure I recognize any of your usernames but I thought I'd pop in and say hello in case there were people here I knew. I was part of a gifted RP hosted on the MC forums, but had to leave when I wasn't ready to migrate sites. > > > > So anyone I know still here? How are you all :)? > > Huh? Did Stephen take this from the MC forums to here? The more you know! Feel free to hop in if you want to! > I wonder if Stephen is someone I know... But yes, the Gifted RPs actually have quite a history and I was with them for the two chapters hosted on the MC forums (I think there were two other chapters before that). Anyways I might join but I can't say for sure. I mostly just popped in to see if there were any old friends to say hi to :P.