He was still not all that impressed by the group, and possibly even less so by their employer. So, he could teleport and summon a table. From what he could tell, it was all from that tome. Any idiot could read instructions and repeat them. But, even so, the man was easily more powerful than him if he had that book with him, and could garner any information he required out of it. So, he simply closed his book, shoved it into his back, and very reluctantly sat down at the table. At six-foot-two and wide in the shoulders, he was very uncomfortable with how close he was to the two mages on either side of him. The mention of a library got his attention. An ancient place filled with several hundred volumes of arcane texts, just out there waiting for anyone to stumble on them and take the knowledge for their own? He could barely suppress a grin from sprouting underneath his bushy beard. However, if this man was just going to give them all free reign over the place once they got there and established the waypoint, then there was something more to it than just the library. Something specific that would be overlooked by anyone not looking for it. While the man continued to explain the pay, which was completely secondary to him at this point, he grumbled underneath his breath. Then there was the arrival of the bandits. His original intent was to simply sit there, relax, and let everyone else deal with them all. Unfortunately, some _genius_ had decided to set the entire village on fire. And, even more unfortunate, he did not know any cold spells to put anything out. If she hadn't already been shot a few times for her stupidity, he'd have stabbed her. Instead, he yanked his sword from his scabbard and stalked around, waiting for easy prey to come for him. He must have looked intimidating, because he was mostly ignored for a little bit. A few bolts of lightning that were more show than substance flew over the heads of the bandits, gaining their attention. One of three charged at him. So, rumors of bandits being stupid were true. The bandit intended to run right through him. Rather than let that happen, the fool got a shot of electricity in his face when he was only a few feet away. As showy as his abilities were, a point blank shot to the face was enough to kill any but the hardiest men, and even then they'd be down for quite a while foaming at the mouth. Another lost interest for an easier target, but another, some guy in what passed for little more than rags covered in fur and wielding a mace made his way more cautiously towards him. The duel was over quickly. The bandit gave a savage swing, which was blocked with the flat of the sword, parried away, and then the tip of the blade was thrust forward into the bandit's chest. The mage let the body drop to its knees, and used the sole of his boot to push the corpse off of his sword. Then he faded into the background, disinterested in continuing fighting. He didn't feel like getting a knife in his back or an arrow in his chest, like some people.