> I'm going to point out flaws in your criticism. First of all he's B rank, not A rank and secondly, the other character's powers are way above my character's reflexes. Also about the supercomputer, I'll change it around, but I'm going to make it like a smartphone since that technology is very common today. Also what's wrong with him being smart? Him being smart makes perfect sense with his backstory. I'm not trying to start an argument but I have to almost completely disagree with your criticisms Those are just guidelines so people have a basic understanding of the character's ranking. It *does* not mean that just because you have a character who only uses elemental powers they instantly become a B-rank. If your character could just, for example, use energy to create powers then I would regard that as a B-Rank but the fact that he can change these energy constructs to other elements that drags it up to an A-rank. The intelligence I don't particularly mind but I'm currently basing this off our intelligent characters (mainly Ruby and Cedric) who aren't the best in terms of combat but make up for it with intelligence. I'll let that one slip but I have problems with the above powers.