**Outpost 12, Abh Fringe Space** _I'm not dead_ Baron Socal floated in the bridge of his warship (Artificial gravity systems are expensive), staring off into the void of space with disbelief. The engine ports of the squadron that had saved him were visible on the viewscreen, their blue glow was almost soothing to him. _I'M NOT DEAD!_ He closed his eyes and folded up into the fetal position, lightly bounding off of the wall and being propelled into the air, where he lay motionless. He'd never actually fought before, but he knew the markings on the enemy ship, and he knew them damn well. He'd just won a battle against the ship that took away his parents at the Battle of Midway, then his sister at the Battle of Lakfakalle. He might have lost the last of the family's territory, but it was still one of the best days of his life. He could hear the crew chanting, faintly, as he had been somewhat disconnected from it all by the excitement. "Socal" was all they said for what felt like an eternity, yet the Baron knew he wasn't the one they should be praising. Whoever had commanded that squadron on the viewscreen had saved their lives. He was still floating with his eyes closed, but another image appeared on the viewscreen. It was a long-haired man wearing a headband that identified him as a member of the Kyūsei house. "Imperial Princess Laidach Na'brel requests that a meeting take place on your vessel, she also apologized for not being able to make this request in person and hopes that you do not take it as an insult." _The princess?_ Though the Baron, his mouth dropping open in surprise. _The Imperial Princess saved me?_ Baron Socal left the fetal position, pushing off from the ceiling to get into view of the bridge's camera. He floated down to the platform that protruded from the highest floor of the bridge, as he didn't want to appear disrespectful by responding without being in the proper location. "Of course, we understand fully. I do hope that nothing interrupts this meeting, it will be an honor to offer my thanks." "It will be an honor to receive them. Gurōī a Mei!" "Gurōī a Mei!" The viewscreen switched back to showing the aft exhaust ports of the destroyer squadron, and the crew fell silent. The Baron turned to them, a smile on his face. "You know Socal law. Unless you want to end up in the brig, I'd suggest that you follow it." He said to his crew, who immediately began to chant. This time though, it was "Na'brel!" they were chanting. **Bridge of the Baguyoka, Outpost 12** "They responded! They actually responded!" Explained the Deca-Commander, a smile almost glowing on her face. "Send an audio-visual dictionary! This is the first time an Abh has actually heard the voice of an alien! Record another response to go with the dictionary, start right now!" "Recording, Deca-Commander." "You honor us with your response! Enclosed in this message is a dictionary that a computer system using binary coding should be able to scan, assuming you have some kind of translation system, you should be able to hear or read what I'm saying. My vessel has no such system, you will need to translate any message to us before you send it."