@Monochromatic Zaen Henko rose and stretched, his nap served him well, his exaustion was now much less so. He put his earphones into his ears and turned on a song with his flute at his side, and walked out of the Dorms and into the hallway, where a large crowd of people was going towards the dorms, including the one he had just exited. Ignoring this now massive amount of people, he turned up his headphones and walked forwards towards the exit, also passing by a group of multiple other students, before letting the fresh air and sunlight of the outdoors hit his skin. The air and sunglight felt good on his face, and he was beginning to feel relaxed and less homesick. He walked along forward and drew out his flute and softly played it, a special tune he played when he wanted to relax. As he walked he spotted a man whom was trying to shoo away an exact copy of him, who did the same. He didn't expect much less from this school. He stopped playing as he walked towards the man. His mother's desire for him to be less secluded was ringing in his ears, and so he decided to 'socialize' a bit, although he quite disliked the idea. **"Hello."** he said to the man, not quite sure of what else to say. He wasn't very good at these introduction things.