![enter image description here](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/070/f/4/pokemon_trainer__emily_by_kuriiko-d4sgfwg.png "enter image title here") =SMILE. Because you want too= **Full Name:** Ariella Mia Michelle **Nickname(s):** Ariel, A. **Gender:** Female **Age:** 15 **Birthday:** November 17 **Astrological Sign:** Scorpio **Starter Pokemon:** Eevee ==> Sylveon **Team:** Sylveon, Swirlix, Spritzee, Floette. **Legend:** Fairy **Trainer Class:** Fashionista **Hometown, Region:** Cerulean City, Kanto. **Personality:** Ariella is very quiet and shy, she preers to stay in the background rather tha be out in the ope with everything. She loves to read books. When she is around strangers, she could be shy and quiet but around her friends very outgoing and fun. When she is aroud people she dosen't know she seems to be a bit too serious. **Small Biography:** Ariella was born and raised in Cerulean city, but because of her father and mother being divorced, her mother moved to Kalos with her daughter, Ariella. There she received her very first pokemon, Eevee. And from then, both of them became the best friends! Because of all the love that Ariella gave to her very first pokemon, it evolved into Sylveon.- **Power:** Telekinesis- Ariella could move objects with her mind, and even other people with the right practice. **Themesong:** [None] **Other:** Nothing.