It was better to be safe than sorry, especially with Viral's condition as precarious as it was. Additionally nothing would be worse than having the Beastman hurt himself when they were so close to helping him, only having to start all over if a new problem arose. In short Yumi was bringing him back not so much because his wounds were serious, because they weren't, but because she couldn't be certain even a minor bump might be catastrophic. In her personal opinion she actually agreed with Viral; they were on vacation, running back to the doctor over a bloody nose was a little much. Well there was that and his arm and leg, but the Beastman could heal those within minutes. "Sure, I'll tell him you fell or something, don't worry," Yumi said with a smile, nodding her head, "I'm not looking to get you cooped up again, you know that right? I just want to be safe. Wouldn't be much of a vacation if you were stuck inside." Vegeta didn't doubt the Kaesstrians were a strong race; T'charrl could fight opponents that they struggled with, and they were Saiyans, supposedly the most powerful combatants there were. The Prince's case was an exceptional one, and while it wasn't without question another of his kind could achieve that power he did think it unlikely. That aside he hardly saw reason for the people of this world to ever become hostile, they had everything they needed on their own planet. Given their unique diets and habitats as well there were only a select few worlds that could even be considered hospitable for them. "It's a safe bet the technology has spread, though I can't say for certain, I didn't think to ask Katas." He could see it happening however, it would certainly promote advancement of a species as a whole, something he would be hard pressed to see in a bad light. Considering Eslaria's policy towards unification and strengthening her peoples it stood to reason too she would make sharing technology a priority. "Are you suggesting that the technology I developed could be faulty?" Vegeta asked, looking over at Choi with a dark gaze. He really did not take having his work doubted lightly, though he tended to keep his disdain for it under wraps. Around someone he was so familiar with, however, he had no issue in expressing his disgust. "I never said I "bugged" their technology, don't be absurd. I know the infrastructure of it in and out, meaning I could easily bring it all down if the need arose. Should people die in the aftershock of that... I can't be concerned with that. My primary concern is to make sure what I've given these people is used for just and right causes, and anything less will see immediate withdrawal of said technology." L'esta vividly remembered the image in that painting, and how could he not? It was his final day as T'charrl's tutor in the way of combat and the beginning of his instruction under his father, certainly a big day for him. A great many other men had been disappointed that they could not train the Prince themselves, but in reality General Yusef really was the only viable option. For a boy who would one day lead Kaesstra only the best training would suffice. "Your sword is safe, I just saw it in your room, mounted above your hearth. I nearly brought it but worried it might arouse suspicion, and I did not want to draw attention to us." Smiling sympathetically at T'charrl, the Captain reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "There is always need for a brave, proud Prince, whether it's for fighting or helping to guide our people. If I may be so bold though I do believe you might have battles of your own now, battles that do not involve Kaesstrians." "Yeah! Or did you forget you were part of our group now buddy?" Takeshi asked, grinning at T'charrl, "That is, if you want to keep traveling with us. There's loads of other planets we could show you, and plenty of stuff I can teach you about Ki and all that. Hell, we've barely scratched the surface on some of your training!" There were other things too of course, such as Vegeta teaching T'charrl about all sorts of subjects, and maybe Yumi or Viral teaching him new fighting styles. If the war was on an indefinite pause then they had all the time in the world to go about and try new things together, so long as the Kaesstrian was up for it. "Plus, I'm sure Shu would love to have you along, and so would everyone else!" Haku was having a real hard time not feeling awkward being in the middle of all this. It was a nice thing he was seeing, and he never really ever saw anything like it. On one hand he felt all warm inside, like seeing everyone trying to console T'charrl was making him feel good too. On the other hand however he had no idea what to do about it, feeling like him saying anything would be horribly out of place. Looking down at his feet uncomfortably he finally glanced back at T'charrl, sighing and rubbing at his neck. "I know we really got off on a bad start, but... I want to try fighting with you, and maybe... Have you train me?" he asked, his face reddening as he had to look away. "You're strong... And I could learn a lot from you, I think. If you miss training so much you've got all of us to train with."