**Name:** Kiba, formerly known as Hiroto Kanzaki **Age:** 20 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** He's about six feet tall with a lean muscular build. In battle, he wears dark grey armor plating that's shaped to fit his form, making it seem like a second skin of sorts. Underneath the armor's layer is a black body glove made out of protective fibers. His helmet resembles [this](http://i.imgur.com/jeRPAcq.png). Underneath the helmet is someone who has red orange eyes and short dark blue hair. The armor is mostly for show though, since his natural toughness more than suffices for most battles. **Canon, AU, or OC?:** OC **Universe of Origin:** Heartcatch Pretty Cure **Personality:** Arrogant, self-centered, and always looking for fights to hone his skills in. However, he's not averse to working with others from time to time if it benefits him, which is why he joined Shadow Eternity. **Abilities/Weapons:** Enhanced physical attributes: Speed, strength, reflexes, endurance, and so on are vastly above normal human capacity. His casual punch carries far more power than a tank shell, just for reference. Ki manipulation: He can either concentrate his ki onto his palm to unleash a powerful ranged blast, or shape it as a sharpened blade on his hand. Supernatural awareness: Hiroto, or Kiba as he calls himself now, is able to sense other sources of ki and magic. Body reading: He's able to judge his opponent's next move by viewing the subtle nuances of his/her movements and demeanor. **Backstory:** Hiroto's parents were usually away on business trips, and was mostly raised by the caretaker they hired. For the most part, Hiroto's childhood was fairly normal, though a part of him felt empty and aimless during this time. This bout of normalcy ended when he was nearly killed by a Desertrian, and only the timely arrival of Cure Flower saved him. Inspired by the display of strength before him and desiring it for himself, Hiroto decided to try and find someone who would teach him how to fight. Eventually, he found Kaoruko and practically begged her to be her pupil. Kaoruko saw no harm in teaching him at the time and agreed to his demand. Hiroto's progress was nothing short of amazing. He mastered in days what it took weeks for most others to grasp, though he does train more relentlessly than the majority would, and even Kaoruko couldn't get him to stop. One day, during another Desertrian attack, Hiroto managed to glimpse his teacher transforming into Cure Flower. Needless to say, he was shocked that his mentor was the one who saved him years ago. Hiroto talked to Kaoruko about this and told her that he wouldn't tell anyone. He also asked if it's possible for him to attain the level of power a Precure has. Kaoruko replied that he can't attain the power of a Precure, but he can find his own unique strength and tells him power isn't the sole purpose of martial arts. Hiroto only nodded in response but was dissatisfied by her answer. Shortly after that incident, Hiroto parted ways with his mentor and set out on his own to find the power he's looking for. He looked into rumors of people performing seemingly superhuman feats by using their ki. If there was any substance to them, Hiroto figured that his ki would manifest during constant fighting. In a world where giant monsters and Pretty Cures exist, he figured it's not completely out of possibility. He challenged several dojos along the way and crushed them during his pursuit for more power. Eventually, during at the age of 17, Hiroto's burning desire for strength and his frustration at what he sees as unearned power in the hands of Precures suddenly takes shape as a dark red aura enveloping his body. Before he could rampage with this power, a cloaked man comes to offer Hiroto a place among a group called Shadow Eternity and promises him undreamed varieties of power he can earn. He takes this offer without hesitation, of course. Three years among Shadow Eternity caused Hiroto to drop his old name and calls himself Kiba from now on to reflect his rebirth. **Faction:** Shadow Eternity