###**Keith Knight, Eclipsed Tower** --- Keith found himself falling. He felt the wind as it brushed past his closed eyelids, he instinctively put tried to shield his face with his hands. The sensation was familiar to him, the events of the previous day where he had slain the dragon were still fresh in his mind. But as he opened his eyes, he saw that this was no memory. He was somehow back in Deep Ground, at the same spot he had died the previous day, 50 feet in the air. As he plummeted, several questions surfaced in his minds, quickly putting them aside, he took in his surroundings to get his bearings. Looking at his immediate surroundings, he realized that the building's he had passed while riding on the dragon were now almost rubble. He remembered the forum posts about the destruction of the green city, but he hadn't been alive to see it. Then he remembered what else the Green City had become. A massive dissolution nest. Looking down, he saw a relatively small group of gelatinous dissolutions had gathered below him. These dissolutions were mainly harmless, all they could normally do was chase after players and knock them over. _All right,_ He thought, _Meteor Slam._ The ability didn't activate. _What the-?_ Then he looked at himself and he realized, he didn't have any shield. And that wasn't all, he was only wearing his butler uniform which he wore for his job. _Damn, no time to think._ He watched as he hurtled towards the slimes below, and he braced himself for impact. He hit the slime feet first, but the slime's body made them immune to damage from a falling object. He quickly sank into the slime and he saw the asphyxiation symbol appear in front of him, indicating that he really was in Deep Ground. The slime's body suddenly convulsed and spit him out onto the dusty ground in front of it. He supposed he should count himself lucky. Dissolution slimes were extremely rare, mainly due to the fact that they posed almost no challenge at all. They never tried to use their bodies to asphyxiate you, as your presence in their body acts as a toxin for them. For the most part all they could do was try and use their mass to knock you into holes and over cliffs, but there were none nearby. Their health points were usually low as well, a person of any level could defeat them without even using weapons, but they gave no experience points because they were so easy to defeat. Getting up, Keith strafed around the gelatinous creature and landed a solid punch into its side. It did a decent amount of damage for an unarmed attack, but it did no where near as much as it should have considering he was supposed to be a scrapper. It was likely his stats had remained with his avatar, and the damage he had dealt was just his physical strength. Nevertheless, any kind of damage output was enough to kill a slime so he quickly finished it off with a few more punches. Looking around, he saw only piles of rubble and no more nearby threats, but just to be safe he found a place in the rubble to hide for a few minutes as he gathered his thoughts. When it was announced that school would end prematurely due to the storm, Keith had been in his dorm having almost finished enough work for the week after this week. He was trying on his new butler uniform he was to wear for his new job. There happened to be a Butler café which was hiring people to work for them on the island. Keith needed to work to secure his future in case Deep Ground wouldn't work out. His parent's inheritance money was saved solely for his tuition fees and future bills and they were barely enough as they were. He needed an income so he could live for long enough to get a job if academia didn't work out. He needed to start as early as possible, but Purple Crown was situated on an isolated island. And even though it had it's own restaurants and cafés, they rarely ever hired as their staff were never usually fired. However, this café in particular had openings and Keith had gladly taken the job. He was supposed to try his uniform to see whether or not it fit correctly, but for some reason he had fallen asleep and now he had woken up inside of Deep Ground, which should have been impossible considering he was on death cooldown. _I wonder if it's just me._ he thought grimly. Bringing up his interface, he suddenly noticed he had a message, from Silver Jester. After reading it, he felt more confused than anything. Who was the Silver Jester and how did he have the power to do this? Surely if something like this happened, the World Interface would be taken down by the government. _Then again, all of those kings died and the government didn't stop anything._ He thought grimly. After he was confident he couldn't glean anything else from the message or his surroundings, he stood up and dusted himself off. _I need to escape this city._ He thought. There were no dissolutions close by, but he knew they couldn't have been far away. From what he had learnt the previous day, the Green City had become the spawn point for a huge amount of dissolutions. Staying in the city was tantamount to suicide. Looking at his interface, he opened his map screen and he decided to plot a course that took him mostly through ruins of buildings so he could avoid detection as much as possible. The place he was closest to was the Badlands. Not the best choice he had here, but according to the updated map of the Green City, it was the only place he could go that wouldn't put him on open plains. The Badlands were a place where wild dissolutions ran amok, but the Green City was now quite possibly a worse place to be in. As he ran over the route in his mind, he suddenly noticed he still had an inventory screen. Quickly switching to it, he found that he had plenty of spare armour and weaponry. However, almost all of it had class and stat requirements and a quick look at his status screen showed him he had no class, and he was level 0. _Just my luck._ He thought. Quickly sorting through his inventory, he found a few pieces of equipment which had low stat requirements and no class requirements. He found some heavy duty boots which anyone could wear, some heavy armour gauntlets which would be good for climbing perhaps and a fairly decent level 0 claymore which did the most damage out of the weapons he could wield. **"That will have to do I suppose."** He said with a sigh. Closing his interface, he looked towards the next landmark along his route, a nearby office building and set off at a sprint.