Ordore had arrived to the meeting but, being cautious of traps and other mages, he kept his distance. He had to wait on a house nearby, he wasn't going for the whole, complete stealth, he just made it clear to everyone to not communicate with him. _Funny, how one small thing such as a rumor can get this many mages together in one place. All the knights would have to do is just spread a rumor and bamn, the adventurous mages get captured or kille-_ Ordore's train of thought was completely thrown out if this world with a huge thunderous clap that could only be from the gods themselves. Without hesitation Ordores hand went to his left side and clenched the hilt of his sword still in its sheathe. Seeing the man appear out of nowhere only made Ordore more cautious. The cloaked man summoned a table and called everyone's attention to it. Ordore, continued to stay on the roof. He could the conversation fine and using a pair of eye glasses he could the maps well too. He could leave right now and get a head start. _But then I don't get my advance pay... damn. I'll wait till everyone leaves and have a private chat with the cloaked figure._ The mission was set and several members were already out of there seats. The air changed, a new smell came into sense. _The people that live the more pay I get.... I have to warn them._ Ordore put his hood over his face and half face mask on, just going over his nose and mouth. No reason to give these mages his identity. When Ordore teleported down to the ground an elf had already drawn it's bow and killed one. Ordore had always wanted to be trained to use a bow. It'd help hunting so much. Ordore looked to the right and saw three more bandits coming through the entrance. Before Ordore got settled on the house he took precautions. He kicked behind him without looking and a rope connected to a pulley started to become in motion. _Too easy_ And with that thought spears coming from building all around the village were launched. _One. Two. Three. Four.. confirmed deaths and four more injured._ I don't know how but a bandit got passed them and charged straight for Ordore. When he was atleast five meteres away Ordore clenched his hilt and dash struck. he was so fast the blade went through him like a hot knife through butter. He fell in two and collapsed behind him. Two more now charged at him. Ordore's blade isn't like any other blade. Ordore's [blade](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Souba) is a katana with two reinforced parallel blades, set a small distance apart from each other. The design's intent is to trap an opponent's blade between them and disarm them. So as the two enemies dashed for Ordore he saw an opening. One bandit swung and using his unique weapon Ordore caught it between his blades and flicked to the left, the enemies blade piercing his comrade. Ordore raised his hand muttered a few words. His hand, glowing a bright orange shot a flash of fire. It was so quick it's considered a beam. _Two more confirmed deaths._ Finally getting a breather he stood, watching the bandits getting slaughtered, no way did they expect a rouge mage could die so easily. Behind Ordore, on the roof he once sat a bandit was preparing. He lunged, silently and swiftly, blade aimed for a direct kill...