Myth sighed, and rub the back of his head for a moment, before following. "He really isn't always like this... He just has a hard time... Empathizing." He slowed to a halt, talking normally, instead the raised voice he was using before. "He's half witch." He stood there for a moment, before sighing and heading to get food, knowing he'd be just getting what was left by now. After grabbing lunch he sat down next to Allen. "Done trying to make me look better?" Was all he said as he kept eating, drumming his free hand on the table, looking up and around. "Would've helped if you had been in a nicer mood this time, instead of like this." Myth sighed, quickly eating. "I-I'm certain you love being along b-but you can't be all the time." He got up, dealing with his trash and such before heading to the roof alone. Allen just shook his head and set about wandering the halls until it was time for class again.