Yes, and I do apologize for the length it is taking for the RP to commence. Most of that is my own fault - I haven't really been online aside from small breaks at work - due to long hours and then lack of energy once I get home. It happens around this time of year for me. It will be up by the end of the month (sorry I can't promise as sooner date, but I have a big party I'm planning for next weekend.) --- ### _**So, if by the end of the month I don't receive in character sheets from the others, I will declare it closed to new characters and remove anyone from the list that does not have a character posted. **_ (The extra emphasis is to make sure people at least read this statement.) --- I do hope to help keep you guys aware of the status with a post every other day at worst. There is also a chance I will be swapping out Marshall for an alternative character which will be a finalized decision I will make in a future post. Again, I'm sorry this is taking so long (and please understand part of that is due to garnering interest and posting up this thread before Mahz had taken the site down so some people are trying to catch up on other RPs they were already involved with prior to this one) but this will not die. So long as those of you already approved are still interested, I will move on with the plot as it is currently noted. --- **Edit:** Also, just noticed because the original post is a move over from Mahz's save, I won't be able to edit the character list of approved, on the base sheet so I'm going to do my best to make sure I can make it visible to all the approved list as it turns up. (Which will have to be a mountain to climb for a different day as it is super past time I went to bed.)