> Woo Thisa getting all the action in like literately the first five minutes of walking out of the dorms. > > > ### ALMA MATER MAXIMUS CONSOLE > > ### RECENT EVENTS: > > ### [Timothy] && [Harold] RELATION +10 REASON: GOOD_FIRST_IMPRESSION > > ### [Harold] && [Theresa] RELATION +5 REASON: BOY_MEETS_GIRL > > ### [Timothy] && [Theresa] FTLATTRACT +5 REASON: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) > > ### [Ione] && [Saoji] RELATION -20 REASON: PLAYBOY_HERO > > Also in support of additional relationship updates. *Recent Event Updates. Also, I've got to take a shower, so i will be back in a little bit. **Hits the Pause RP button** Also yeah, we're all in need of people around to work with it seems xD