"**Uh... hey.**" Hide stated simply while pushing himself onto his feet rather quickly, dusting himself off as if he had been rolling around like that for a while. There was a look of slight worry on his face, but it quickly vanished as an apologetic smile formed onto his lips. A pair of bright blue orbs eyed over the flute wielding freshmen! Or well, the person he was going to assume was a freshmen. His face didn't look too familiar, at least not anyone he could place off of the top of his head. "**My name is Hide. I don't think I've seen you around here before, did you just transfer?**" He asked rather calmly, the apologetic look was already starting to vanish. It was probably a bit hard to tell what he was being apologetic about, it was not like he was doing anything wrong... but it was still there, regardless. Though after a few seconds, something seemed to have popped into his mind as he glances towards the flute, not really waiting for answers to his previous question. "**Was that you making that music from before? If so, I applaud you. I can play the violin, but only a small bit.**" A rather sheepish grin formed onto Hide's face as he lowered his head a slightly. He seemed genuinely happy, even as another faint cloudy shadow began to form once again. Though this one was significantly harder to notice. It was smaller with a human shape, a good three-feet shorter than Hide himself. A child. It stood just behind him, making grabbing motions onto his pant-legs as one would a parent. If one didn't know better, it was really just like looking at a shadow... though Hide was not giving it much notice.