**"Yes, I'm Zaen Henko, I transferred here from Florida."** he spoke with a slight hint of nervousness in his voice, mostly due to the rarity of him meeting new people. He hadn't actually put effort into socializing in quite a long time. Hide seemed nice though, but he seemed to look like he was apologizing, for what reason he guessed was because he was unprepared to meet someone while he was laying in the dust. **"Thank you, I play almost all instruments, Flute would have to be my favorite."** he said as his nervousness faded, he was glad to know that Hide played an instrument, even if he only played a little. He then noticed the small cloudy shadow-like creature tugged at his pants legs. He knew it wasn't his shadow, mostly due the fact that his shadow wasn't mimicing him, and that he had a second shadow. **"What would that be?."** he asked as he motioned towards the shadow-creature tugging at his pant's legs. It was very similear to the other creatue he had seen before approaching Hide.