"**Woah, Florida, huh? Pretty far away from home, it seems. I hope you are adjusting alright.**" Hide smiled at Zaen, nodding his head lightly. "**If you need any help finding your way around or need to know about anything, feel free to ask. I've been here for a while already and sort of know some things. For my first year here, I spent more time lost than I did in class.**" Chuckling a bit, he just shakes his head softly. "**Almost all instruments?**" The young mans blue eyes went wide for several moments as he let out a held breath. "**That is... well, amazing! I don't really have any interesting talents, I guess, but that is cool. Maybe you could give me some lessons sometime or something.**" He finally cracked a rather friendly grin. It was a bit clear that Hide was a friendly soul that didn't entirely seem fully capable to be a real threat or danger, he really just seemed happy for the company and that he had not yet mentioned that he was rolling around on the ground like some idiot. Though, as Zaen would motion towards the doppelganger that hugged onto his leg, a thoughtful look found itself on Hide's face. "**Emotion.**" The word rolled from his mouth with relative ease as he looked down at the small creature without a face. "**Its, uh... not supposed to be out like this. But when emotions get the best of me or I suppress them for too long... this happens. Not that it is a bad thing, at least most of the time.**" Hide reaches a hand down to give the cloudy wisp a pat on the head, and in turn the shadow would shimmer a bit before vanishing. "