WilsonTurner > > Name of nation: Central Draconian Empire, or CDE > > Species: Draconian > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/Kwk5rix.jpg) > > Draconians, being lightly blue-colored reptilian humanoids about the same height as an unusually tall human, at about 6' 7" being the average, up to 8' in the rarer cases, and 5' 10" in even rarer cases, they are diverse in size and strength. Unless diseased or otherwise out of the norm, Draconians are tough, whatwith a scaly hide that's much more resistant to sharp objects than a human's skin, and strong, with corded, powerful muscle, brought about and perfected through evolution. Draconians are apex predators- they were perfected by nature to be killing machines, fast on their feet, powerful on strikes, and clever enough to outwit foes and friends alike. They possess great loyalty- clans would battle endlessly, neither ever willing to give up until death. They possess claws on hands and feet that can extend and retract, and can rend flesh from bone, or even tear through bone itself, or act as a precise writing utensil (dipping one's claw in ink and using it to write is not uncommon, actually preferred), and even be used as a precise tool to fiddle with delicate mechanisms or other detailed items. > > Description of government: Faction based, ruled over by single ruler with a council to approve > ...where elections are held after the current leader resigns or dies. The leader is known as the Forerunner Maximus, being the first to make decisions and etc., and his advisory council and second-in-commands of various sectors being the Forerunner Minimus of [Faction/Branch]. There are multiple factions- the War Faction is the most prominent and powerful, containing the Empire's fleets and armies. It's close to being the largest branch, and is the second most powerful branch. More numerous than the War Faction is the Industrial Faction, which handles all industry and production of ships, weapons, munitions, goods, supplies, and foods. They are the farmers, the miners, and the refiners. They build and they labor. They are the most numerous because most everyone starts here, and ends here. The most powerful is the Thought Faction, whom are the researchers, designers, architects, strategists (in hand with the War Faction), and the leaders. They have a special fleet of completely unique ships that are each very powerful, each having a different set of strengths and weaknesses. The last and the smallest faction is the Peace Faction- they are the peacekeepers, the military police, and the diplomats. They negotiate, they keep the peace, and they believe in the righteous cause of peaceful expansion, not conquest. But then again, they are the smallest. > > Description of military: They are powerful- this is their specialty. They are a race that grew up in the midst of a deadly fight for survival, endlessly, where even the plants are predators. Prey are only other predators, or the massive beasts that walk the planet, occasionally brought down and fought over by a variety of deadly creatures. Their military might is powerful on the ground. Indeed, they much liked to stomp and tear anything and everything that wasn't one of them. They themselves have a somewhat weak space-navy- it serves only the purpose of landing troops. > > They have a variety of creatures that have been tamed and modified from their homeworld to serve as anything from biological scouts, like what are essentially dolphin/sharks except with scale and poison, and really big creatures like a spinosaurus that's generally armored with sheets of reactive armor, a bit of intelligence enhancement and the ability for it to instinctively use a set of grenade launchers. Really, it'll roar, stomp, roar, and then fire some grenades right on you, and THEN charge. They also have a variety of different weapons for a variety of different creatures. Why not take those deadly hunters and make them far, far deadlier? > > In addition to armored grenade-launcher shooting armored spinosauruses, they *love* their ground troops. Unmatched in hand-to-hand combat when fighting completely naturally (though it can be different if there are augments and cybernetics involved), a whirlwind of claws, teeth, and weapons, it's generally advisable to not get close to one unless it's dead- dead as in with its head spread over a couple square meters. Extensive training, genetic engineering, selective breeding, and neural processors, a Draconian footsoldier is very, very formidable, better than anyone else's footsoldiers unless they, too, have the same natural advantages and alteration of their natural form to be better- they live to fight. Elite Draconian Infantry are even more deadly- it's unadvisable to approach them with weapons in hand. Their powersuits are armed with a variety of energy weapons, a portable heavy railgun similar to what you'd find on a *tank*, except a bit smaller with smaller ammunition, and the ability to move much farther and faster than most. They're armed with shields and with energetic force punches, which takes the energy from the shield and blasts it in a certain direction, or in a sphere around this. If a powersuit were surrounded by enemy footsoldiers, was out of ammunition and could only sustain its shield for a minute more, this would be ideal, as it would be like a powerful IED, except without the flame and fire. If you're too close when he does this, it may cause severe or even fatal damage- shockwaves kill, fire doesn't. > > {Anti-Anything, Heavy, Energy, Sniper} The [Heavy Gauss Gun Type-901](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/182/8/3/8396cb47ff16c9775a2885d54d673ff1-d2zs6o2.jpg) > > {Anti-Infantry, Light, Kinetic, Rifle} The [Battle Rifle Type-338](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5001/5268697857_6481938ee6.jpg) > > {Anti-Infantry/Anti-LightArm, Medium, Kinetic, LMG} The [LMG-493 "Blazer"](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/206/b/b/prototype_am_lmg_by_farcry845-d6f2xbr.jpg) > > {Anti-Tank, Heavy, Antimatter, Destroyer} The ["Incinerator" AMEC-3A3](http://1dut.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cool-concept-futuristic-medieval-and-fantasy-weapons-1dut.com-28.jpg) > > {Anti-Infantry/Anti-MedArm, Medium, Energy, Mutli-Rifle} The [20-20 CSR](http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/238/0/b/weaponcolo_by_lmorse-d6jsada.jpg) > > > Draconian ground units, besides infantry, are heavily armored. Usually, they consist of command-and-control walker units, sometimes with two, sometimes with four, and sometimes with six legs, armed lightly and heavily armored, made only to take damage and command from advantageous positions. Other vehicles include: > > {Drone, Hover, Tank} The [Mk12 Stryker-S Automated Light Tank Hoverdrone](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/303/1/c/hover_tank_____float___by_ere4s3r-d31ubpy.jpg) > > {Drone, Biped, Infantry} The [MAV ULB](http://www.eliottlillyart.com/images/mech2.jpg) > > {Manned, Wheeled, Transport} The [FIEV](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/065/9/0/pickuptank_by_exizt-d794qsz.png) > > {Manned, Tracked, Anti-Air} The [MHAA-Mk5](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-s6GGq5dZOkM/UaydT3zQiII/AAAAAAAAynY/S9IPriqbmwQ/s1600/oscar_cafaro_09.jpg) > > {Manned, Tracked, Main Battle Tank} The [Type-2 Steelback Heavy MBT](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/052/9/7/974d2364d99ca6af866e58f47041e8eb-d31665r.jpg) > > {Manned, Tracked, Medium Tank} The [MET-3A4 Energy Medium Tank](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/264/a/9/xm44_sabretooth_omni_environment_main_battle_tank_by_helge129-d5fht3x.jpg) > > {Manned, Deca-walker, Artillery} The ["Petra" Artillery Command Unit](http://postimg.org/image/li68pe9w3/) > > {Manned, Tracked, LoS Railtank} The ["Bunker Buster" Stryker-A Unit](http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2011/280/5/4/jaguar_striker_tank_by_stephenhuda-d4c386y.jpg) > > {Drone, Aircraft, Surgical Strike Gunship} The [ARS-Mk19A2](http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18ogj8w71vqnejpg/original.jpg) > > {Manned, Aircraft, Armored Support Gunship} The [Type-66 HASG](http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/304/8/b/future_helicopter_by_forgedorder-d5jkiua.jpg) > > (Manned, Multipurpose Fighter, Stealth Fighter} The [F-38 Type-6A5 MPSF "Rebel"](http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/15/1000x620_4432_Plane_2d_sci_fi_fighter_aircraft_picture_image_digital_art.jpg) > > {Manned, Strategic Sub, Antimatter Submarine} The [AMSS-3 Mk.44 Strategic Submarine](http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2011/nik_y/niky_e_02.jpg) > >--- > > Cultural Overview: They aren't too terribly rich in culture- they mainly like shooting things and celebrating the days where a major victory took place, or where a ground-breaking achievement had taken place. They have a variety of foods, not necessarily as much as humans or other aliens, but they know how to cook what they have. Besides fighting, Draconians love food- they have somewhat duller taste buds than the average among sentient creatures, so their food would taste exceedingly tasty among other peoples. Odd, it would be, that the race of warriors are culinary *geniuses*. > > History: Draconians are, put simply, savages. They grew up on a planet dominated by an eternal war with nature. Where on Earth, a hostile environment may be all the predators hunting specifically for you, and there being a good deal of poisonous animals and plants about. On the Draconian homeworld, it is far, far worse. The only source of meat that isn't from a predator are from giant, towering four-legged creatures similar to a brontosaurus dinosaur. They're hunted by monstrous spinosaurus-like dinosaur-like scaly creatures that literally tear flesh off their legs while they try to walk and escape to their deep, fast-flowing rivers that only they can brave. When a bronty falls, all the animals of the forest jump on it. It's so large that little ecosystems exist within, and most of the time, small wars between animals occur. Here, a single wound can lead to death, where the smell of their blood gives away their route, and their position. It was here that the Draconians grew up. At first, they were water-dwelling creatures, some of the only ones. They could walk on land and swim in water, but there was little food in the water, so as they began to grow, they had to push into the forests, hunting the hunters. Brontosauruses usually were just so numerous, endlessly eating the vast amount of leaves that the jungly planet provided, that the predatory ecosystem thrived. The Draconians were endlessly hunted, being smaller than the majority of the predators around them. It was a sense of loyalty to each other, and instinct to protect, and the bloodlust, that they managed to keep from being driven into extinction. Any weapon became a good idea- it wasn't long before sticks and stone began to break their bones, and then weapons evolved very quickly. Spears were the first made, then staffs armed with blade-stones on either side. A skilled Draconian in those days could survive an encounter with even the largest predators. As they began to develop weapons at a rate that would put any human to shame, they began developing ways to preserve and keep all the food that began piling up. Eventually, creatures began to fear the infinitely stronger Draconians, as they realized that every time one of their own went to hunt near their territory, they never came back. And so they began to run from the Draconians. It was then that the Draconians began experimenting with other things. Trees began to fall in areas that were declared death-zones by all other animals, where even the brontosauruses dared not go. Walls were erected, and traps were placed all around, and the Draconians disappeared into their massive riverside fort, taming and herding a multitude of the smallest predators, turning them into livestock. Eventually, brontosauruses began returning, and with them, other predators. Instead of hunting them all down again, they began feeding the brontosauruses, keeping them nearby, protecting them. Herds of these massive creature soon developed; by hanging a variety of constructs off their massive backs, an entire village could live, using the creature as transportation and safety, while they fired refined arrows down at would-be predators. As the time passed, the Draconians literally started taming their world. They took a great deal of predators under guard, inside great log walls, and they tamed them, held them until they stopped fighting. They would fight if cornered, but they quelled the instinct to kill on sight. And so they finished the first stage of their evolution: conquering their own world. After they conquered the beasts of their world, and had populated the entire globe, a renaissance of sorts sprung up. The planet was still mostly uninhabited, mainly occupied by massive forts that contained livestock of different predatory breeds. If they weren't fed, they would often try to escape, and usually succeeded. It was then that wars broke out against one large tribe against anothers. Wars were fought where bandages were the best healing tools, combined with nature's finest, and the best weapon was a catapult or a crossbow. > >After, oh, four centuries of warfare of increasing proportions across all fronts, where missiles and artillery was used just as much as blades and bolts, the Draconians, for the first time in forever, came together and declared peace! And that was because one of them made a breakthrough: Looking through a telescope, rare among the warmongering Draconians, they saw an object *flying* a short ways outside of their planet's gravitational field. Apparently, this idea was so amazing that they all caught on- imagine! Conquering the stars themselves! Not even the Gods could compare! And so they began researching everything- holograms, energy weapons, antimatter, dark matter, quantum mechanics, rocket science, mining technology. The population exploded, and suddenly the planet started to come into its first true industrialization age, with billions of goods being produced. And quite suddenly, their tests to put a ship into space, reach another planet, and put down prefab buildings, suddenly worked. > >And then the population exploded again, and they all rushed to the stars, colonizing their three moons, half a dozen other planets in their system, and began setting up bases inside of asteroids, and stations that orbited their Sun, instead of anything else. They went out and began to conquer their solar system. > >Some time after they finished putting something on every planet, just to prove that they could, they began working on theories of faster-then-light travel. At first, they made a large, bulky drive that allowed them to jump a dozen lightyears, but this was too imperfect; they refined it and refined it until it was a much, much smaller device that took up far less energy or space. It allowed them to jump from the edge of one system to the edge of another, by taking advantage of the 'thinner' space. As colonization efforts began expanding into the systems around them, they brought back the old design, and refined that until it was a bit smaller, and allowed them to travel much, much farther, though at greater cost. Only larger ships had these- cargoships or the like. Draconian fleetships generally aren't armed very much- they agreed to keep battles in space to a minimum, a rare act of total cooperation. The only true warships are flagships, dreadnoughts mainly. Any other ship that served a military purpose were cargoships that could land on the ground and not collapse under its own weight (with advanced anti-gravity pads that kept the full weight form falling on itself), though it would most certainly collapse if it lost energy. The Draconians spread as far and as quickly as they could, a small colony in every single system they found and declared for themselves. They have over a dozen colonies, creating a frontier that's quite a distance from their home system. That's when there ships began meeting others- and they probably will offend them, due to them planting a colony on whichever planet that want, regardless if someone put a colony on the opposite side of the globe. > > Other: potatoes.