If i need to change anything then plz let me know. I ask that you don't expect it to be perfect. This is my first cs in awhile. Name: Voro' Refum Nickname: Field Master Gender: Male Age:71 Appearance: He stands at 8'6 ![enter image description here](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120725001931/halo/es/images/4/46/Henry2.jpg "enter image title here") Type of Character: Sangheili Rank: Field Master Armor/Clothing: His shield is strong enough to protect him form the direct impact of a rocket before collapsing. His armor does protect him from small arms fire and assault rifle rounds to an extent, it cant however protect him form armor piercing sniper rounds however the average sniper round will not pierce his armor. ![enter image description here](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121109235405/halo/images/9/9e/Storm_Elite_Warrior.png "enter image title here") Weapons:He is down to an energy sword with a full charge Equipment: 2 plasma grenades, a small back pack he found, 3 bottles of water, and some vegetables. Personal energy shield. Personality: Voro is a very honorable and caring person. He even cares for the grunts that are under his command. Voro has never truly gotten over his hatred of the humans but he doesn't let this cloud his judgement of how they are. He is always willing to put his life on the line for his troops and the greater good. Voro prefers a more strategic approach to situations and never goes into a situation without a plan. His experience on the field has made him a quick thinker and allows him to keep calm under extremely dangerous situations that would cause others to panic. He is a very honorable and respectful Sangheili. He is always willing to hear someones ideas but will be quick to shut them down if he knows it won't work. Voro over all speaks with an assertive voice and can be very aggressive in combat often showing no mercy to his enemies...especially the parasite. History: Voro was born in the year 2486 in the Sangheilios state Refum. Being Sangheili, he was raised in a "common room" to assure that he had an equal footing in his military career like ever other Sangheili. He was trained along side the others that shared the same "common room". In his training, he showed to excel more than most he was against and showed promise to become a great and honorable Sangheili. Service in the Covenant: When Voro was old enough, he was to serve the covenant as a minor. As a minor, he showed to follow orders without hesitation and showed unwavering loyalty to those who were put above him. His skill and honor allowed him to be promoted from a Minor to a Major after many great battles. Given his new rank which had authority, Voro was happy that he could show his skill as a greater warrior and a leader. Voro's tactics that he displayed were admittedly not the best being he was a relatively new leader, however he proved to be a valued and well respected leader none the less. Voro found himself serving as a Major for a long time. Though he did prove to be a great leader, he couldn't find himself a situation in which he could prove to be worthy of more. It did not take forever and soon he found himself an opportunity to prove himself. Voro had taken place in a full ground assult that was vital to the Covenant in their fight against the UNSC. Voro along with many other Ultras on the field were taking orders from none other than a Field master. For a time, the battle was going well, Covenant forces were moving steadily forward and UNSC forces were beginning to order a retreat. However, in the midst of an early celebrated victory, the field master was assassinated. The tide of battle quickly turned. Covenant forces were beginning to go into panic and the UNSC began to gain back their footing. In the midst of the panic, Voro had taken charge, quickly giving out orders to what forces were left. Voro found himself fighting a now desperate battle and had no other choice than to simply hold out. All tactical advantages had been destroyed when orders were cut off and they no longer had the ability to flank the enemy. Voro's were not to gain a foothold but were to hold out as long as possible. Voro had come to accept that if this was his death then he was glad that he died with honor. However, Voro's orders and the fighting of his soldiers had payed off. They managed to hold off long enough for Covenant reinforcements to arrive and secure a victory. When the surviving Ultras were asked for a report of what happened, Voro and his were mentioned. This deed did not making him a immediate feild master but it did allow him a position to serve under one directly. His Field master Rtas' Kasamee had taught Voro a lot about battlefield tactics and the duty given with his rank. Over time, Voro had found himself a friend a mentor. The Great Schism: It was on the day that Voro had found himself promoted to Field Master that he was betrayed. In the middle of an operation, he was fired upon by the brutes. Though Voro managed to fight his way out, he had no support. Voro later managed to contact help and find out what had happened. When he discovered that the prophets were responsible his hatred had reached unimaginable heights. To believe all the service his brothers had done for the Covenant and then to be betrayed in the end was enraging beyond imaginable. Voro found himself joining the covenant remnant for a time under the rank of warrior. However, he did not like that hatred that his brothers spoke of. He spent all of his free contemplating his decision. In the end, he took what troops had supported him and left the remnant to join the Swords of Sanheilios. He made but one request and that was to keep his armor as a reminder of the hatred that clouded his mind. He then continued his service as a field master. He ended up being stuck on Reach when the fleet he was with had heard its distress call. When his ship landed to aid and evacuate the survivors it was over run with the flood. He has since help kept a group of his troops and humans alive. Other: "This is it, baby. Hold me." - To the Elite, who hugs him.