![](http://img0.hbcinemas.com/20141215/d920c1ad-0ad2-4a8b-8118-73f4a21e5cf0%E7%8B%A1%E7%8C%BE%E6%9E%9C%E6%96%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%87%91%E8%9E%8D%E8%AF%88%E9%AA%97%E7%8A%AF.jpg) _“My heart is cold, unfeeling. What little humanity was left in me has been stolen. It was stolen by YOU! Let me show you how harsh winter can be…” – Victor Fries_ **• Name** - Victor Fries **• Alias** - Mr Freeze **• Age** - 56 **• Occupation** - Criminal - Scientist **• Skills & Abilities** - Genius Level Intellect - Hand to Hand Combat - Weapons Proficiency - Inventor ** • Equipment** -Exo Suit - Freeze Gun - The Interface **• Personality & History** _Born from Ice_ Victor Fries was born in Lowell, Nebraska. As a boy, he and his mother Lorraine would enter the city's annual snowman contest at the first snow. On one such occasion, they were crossing a frozen lake when his mother fell through the ice. Though she survived the experience, she was never the same. For a year, she was confined to a wheelchair with severe brain damage. When the snowman contest came that next year, she had become such a burden on him that Victor’s abusive father Charles led her across the same frozen lake, and allowed her to break through the ice again and drown. _Nora_ After further years of abuse and after repressing all his rage, Victor moved to Gotham City. In college, he felt that he may never feel a warm touch, but then came [Nora](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120624173039/truebloodfanfic/images/thumb/a/a8/Mandy-Moore-2012.jpg/500px-Mandy-Moore-2012.jpg), a beautiful athlete, with whom he fell deeply in love with and ultimately married. He later got a job teaching cryogenics at the local college. Nora later fell terminally ill with a rare malady. Fries left teaching and took on a job working for a large drug company called GothCorp, run by the ruthless Ferris Boyle, so he could find a cure. Using his great intellect and passion for cryogenics, Fries discovered a way to put Nora into cryo-stasis (using company equipment), hoping to sustain her until a cure could be found. _Heart of Ice_ Boyle found out about the experiment and cancelled the funding, attempting to have Nora brought out of stasis and overruling Fries' frantic objections. A struggle ensued, which resulted in Fries becoming engulfed in his own cryogenic coolants and being left for dead. Fries survived, but the chemicals had altered his body chemistry and his body temperature was lowered dramatically; he could now only survive at sub-zero temperatures. Fries escaped, unnoticed with the frozen Nora. The process not only effected Victor physically but emotionally too. Fries became even more emotionally withdrawn and colder than normal, his love for Nora transforming into a borderline obsessive psychosis. Seeing no other option, Victor built a suit to sustain his life and turned to crime. He became a long-time nemesis of Batman in his constant misguided search for a cure for his wife. _Incident on Robert Kane Bridge_ After years at war with the Batman and in his desperate search for a cure, Victor finally made a break through. Unfortunately fate stepped in. On the run with Nora in the back of his truck, Freeze was speeding out of Gotham only to be stopped on the Robert Kane Bridge by Batman. Soon enough a wave of Freeze’s goons descended on the old red bridge, Batman was overwhelmed until an old friend returned. Dick appeared amongst the fray and helped Batman fight off his attackers. During the course of the fight, Batman forced the cure into Victor which surprisingly cured his biology from its icy infection. A stray bullet deflected by Dick lit up a gas tanker and the frozen Nora was blown into the river where she was forever lost. _Blood in the Snow_ Victor managed to escape the battle and retreated to the Alaskan wilderness. After a year of isolation, Victor had lost the little humanity left in his cold soul. Using one of his underworld contacts, Fries secretly returned to Gotham and began conducting his experiments. Enter James Fuller and Robert Vans, to black ops soldiers known for their synergy in battle. When the duo were killed in a firefight, their bodies were stolen and delivered to the cold hearted villain for experimentation. Fries’s benefactor wanted weapons for his own personal gain but Victor had another agenda on his mind; revenge. Developing a communication and control network named the Interface, Victor would use this tool to manipulate his newest creations, the Tandem. Now all he needed was platform for his vengeance. The wedding of Gotham’s favourite son was the perfect option… ![](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ae/e6/ff/aee6ff2c1fb8094cc4755f47054daaa3.jpg)