[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/a63a7c0983cdb5149dba705bd0024c8f/tumblr_nfbi6jU3kf1qfw6kdo7_400.gif[/img][/center] Captain Kangaroo. Captain fucking Kangaroo. If there was one thing Australian super-villains never got, it was respect. Digger held his tongue as he turned to face the young woman, explosive boomerang still in his hand. He turned his attention to the broad, who had finally recovered and gotten to her feet. She was pretty to say the least although seemed far too young to be in Belle Reve. Her presence confused Digger, especially due to her costume matching that of this place's very own Mad-Eye Moody. He decided to question that later, once they weren't being shot at of course and they were safely off on their adventure aboard Waller's helicopter of fun. "That a-hole ain't m' buddy, dollface!" He said with a grunt, ducking slightly as gunfire flew over his head. After swearing several times he glanced back at the wannabe Deathstroke. "Though I'll gladly take y' up on tha' offer darlin' if y' daddy over there is okay with it!" He chuckled to himself slightly and gave the girl a smile, only to quickly wipe it from his face as the man himself approached. He listened to plan out of politeness and scoffed. "Who the 'ell put you in charge, mate?" He questioned angrily, waving his boomerang at him angrily. He was about to continue before being interrupted by a flash of red and black. Oh great, Mr Ego was back. Before he could muster up an insult, the villain set to work and quickly disappeared through a wall. Surprisingly that guy was taking order's from Deathstroke. Digger sighed. If even the Reverse-Flash was going to follow him, he may as well too. "Fine, I'm in although I wanna' be second in..." Gunfire cut in off. Swearing loudly once more, Captain Boomerang swung his arm forward over his head, sending the orange boomerang flying. Only when it left his hand did he realize what kind of boomerang he had thrown. The projectile soar through the air, impaling itself into the arm of a security guard in the midst of an incoming squad. Harkness managed the word "Shit" as the guard screamed in pain, only for his cry to be cut out by the roar of the explosion, with it taking several of the other guards with it. The gunfire cease momentarily as many heads turned to see the commotion, which now remained a smoking pile of guard body parts. "That was..." Captain Boomerang stammered. "Completely on purpose, yeah."