"Boats huh" Kite looked out at the ocean blue with a bored expression. It wasn't that he had any problem with boats but it he preferred flying over sailing. "Pigeee!" Kite glanced over at his pokemon perched about five meters away on the railing. "You don't like it either Pigeotto?" He asked as he saw a look of discontent on it's face. Pigeotto began to shake his head in discomfort. Kite guessed that any bird would feel caged when it is taken out of the sky. It is a feeling that only one who has taken the sky can understand. "Don't stay for me. You can fly around the boat as much as you want." Kite instructed his pokemon as it spread its majestic wing and took off. Kite moved back to look at Wingull and Swablu. They looked perfectly happy with the water because Wingull was a water pokemon and Swablu found it hard to ever become unhappy. That was until Swablu sneered in his direction. "What"' Kite interjected. Okay Swablu is almost impossible to upset. The only thing that could upset his best friend is an unhappy trainer. That was probably one of the reasons that Swablu was his favorite pokemon. "Okay I can get used to it." He stated defiantly to his friend. kite glanced up to see his last pokemon Skarmory. Skarmory was his newest pokemon so it didn't even wait for approval to take off flying around. It could e that water and steel do not mix or that Skarmory could end up being a big problem in the long run. Only time would tell that little detail. Kite donned his blue sunglasses and continued to wait for the boat to arrive.