Name: Marren Kolkochi Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") Background: From first glance one would not assume Marren to be Rosilian, let alone part of one of the most prominent families of the city. This is true to a large extent, his ancestry has ties to all three of the island cities, his great-great grandfathers and grandmothers being merchants who accumulated enough wealth and connections to buy themselves and their descendants a place within Rosilian nobility. Still, in the grand scheme of things, put up against long standing families that could trace their ancestry to years and ages past the Kolkochi are young intruders, but they are rich. Well, for now. With the war severing trade between the cities the river of wealth that the Kolkochi had so relied upon had now stopped flowing and the waters would soon turn stagnant. Marren was the third son, the fourth child in all within the current Kolkochi generation. In his position he was not expected to one day be the head and so he was more free to pursue his own path, though his importance and standing was also that of a fourth child. He grew up learning the arts of dancing, fencing and riding, the latter of which he excelled at. This, combined with his adventurous nature he would take his mount and go on trips to one of the unoccupied islands, much to the chagrin of his family. Through such endeavours he earned quite the reputation as an explorer, or a careless risk taker depending on ones opinion. The war though changed the course of his life. His father and two older brothers were killed in the first rounds of fighting and now the family is only him, his mother and elder sister who took the reins of a tumbling horse. His mother was struck with such grief that she barely spoke, his sister, once one of the rising stars within the art community now confined herself to her office. Himself, he was grounded, unable to take flight and fixed with the perpetual fear of death after his first encounter with a Kantilian knight that nearly left him without a head. Now, seeing the fortunes of his family fall, their enemies closing around them and fearing the prospect of the illustrious name of Kolkochi dying and dragged through the dirt, Marren felt he had to do something to reverse the tide.