The woman called Captain walked in, Sarah had overheard her name being spoken by other students. She was clearly in charge, you could tell from the authority she demanded from the other students. Her method of walking was different in every way, her movements fine-tuned not to waste any energy, like the graceful steps of a predator. It was rather impressive to see, and Sarah made a mental note that this woman would most likely be exceedingly hard to kill, should it ever become necessary. Then again, a part of her wanted to walk up there right now, claws at the ready, and find out why that movement was so impressive. She could recognize the danger instinctively, but she didn't know what it meant, or how such motions had been honed by years of training and experience.\ 'welcome to SUPER High' A number of snickers resounded across the room, although Sarah didn't really understand what had been funny. In fact, the entire concept of humor eluded her. She'd have to look into that, it certainly seemed like people who laughed enjoyed it, and she had heard multiple people state that laughing was somehow healthy. Most of the woman's speech only served to confuse Sarah more. Although she liked the sound of Physical anything - she was confident in her capabilities in any physical subject - she wasn't entirely sure what a dorm was, nor what she would do with one. Perhaps it was something you needed for the Physical things? The woman stated that questions could be asked, but Sarah didn't want to speak out in the silence that followed, she hated to admit weakness, especially when she was feeling so vulnerable. She would simply follow the other students, and hopefully she'd figure out what to do. Sarah frowned and sighed. This whole student thing was a pain.