Most of the prostitutes staffing the brothel had left, and the remainder ran away when they saw the flying...Fake-Angel thing heading towards their place, meaning that the building was empty when Aster, who was the Fake Angel, finally arrived, launching a single lance of light into the structure, blowing it up in a resounding explosion, an explosion that did not destroy the basement where the RRF hid. No, destroying the basement was Nikolai's job, as the Meta, now accompanied by some Mafiosos he met on the way, snuck into the basement doors, to be met by Pamela, who managed to bring down several of the goons with quick twists and kicks, giving the rest of the Rapid Response Force time to assemble and get their bearings. Which was a good thing, because Nikolai launched herself at Pamela, sawblades flashing. In the meantime, Bio-Beast roared out of the basement and launched himself at Aster, fighting with him for several minutes...