"See you later," [Timothy](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323135) returned [Theresa](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2326837)'s smile and wave with bright ones of his own, and stood up to receive [Harold](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2325616) when the boy approached. _"You must feel awkward,"_ Cadwal pierced, _"Being left out on all that."_ _"Well, just a bit. Nothing I could add anyway; I know little about computers."_ _"You know how to use the Internet,"_ Cadwal pointed out. _"I think they were talking about something much more complex than that."_ He took one last, big swig at his can of iced coffee before crushing it, and disposing of it in a nearby trash bin. Emerald eyes staring through those spectacles of his which glowed from reflected sunlight not without a little ominosity, Timothy was friendly in his continuing discourse with Harold. "Well, follow me to the classrooms first. I'll show you those places when our classes end."