Catman sliced open the throat of guard when he heard the others talking about him and reverse flash not staying together with the others. Thomas scowled, they were the idiots who were wasting their time standing around when they could be escaping. Catman hurried back over to them. "Come let's get going, The Flash impersonator is already way ahead of us" he said to them and began to head off in the direction of a place to escape from the prison. "And Deathstroke, if you ever leave me or Reverse Flash behind then Waller will blow your head off, don't forget that" he growled to Deathsroke. "Follow me" he called to them as he began to make his way to an emergency exit that would lead to their escape and find the helicopter or plane waiting for them. Several guarded aimed their guns at them and began to fire. Catman hit the deck and while in the motion of his dive, he threw several catarangs at them and the projectiles found their targets and two of them exploded against their target's faces making blood splatter on the ground. "I hope you three are ready to get out of here" he said to them as he headed for the emergency exit.