![enter image description here](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/f9/2c/c4f92cfb8d1d7578a0a415e0dcbb9557.jpg "enter image title here") First Name: Haru Last Name: Osi Code Name: _Haru:_ Um well. I guess...Hiyori...I don't know! Jesus christ I spend my time reading. What else do you want with me?! Age(7-18): 16 Gender: Female Original Floor (2-5): 3 Power (Can only be one thing): She can make anything she draws come to life but dissipate when they have fulfilled their use. Special Skills: Amazing artist, knows martial arts, is a great climber. Theme Song (Optional): A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton Outfit (Optional): [Haru/Hiyori's Outfit](http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=146514876) Other: Rawr! *cough* I've been so obsessed with Noragami I just had to have her code name as Hiyori....also she has one drawing that sticks with her all the time, kind of her companion (named after a anime character...of course). Edward, her companion drawing. He normally doesn't have his sword and appears in black and white. Haru/Hiyori plans to one day color him in. ![enter image description here](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2008/016/e/6/S0ujir0___SetA___frm_SamuraiX_by_0urangeApple.jpg "enter image title here")