Name:Samantha Valencia Ramos Nickname/Alias: Sam, Sammy, or Val. Age:unknown Gender:Female Crush:none Powers/skills: Can teleport anywhere as long if there is a reflection. She can also control fire, and water. From:OC Appearance(s):![Sam](,%20long%20hair,%20red%20eyes,%20bandaids,%20white%20hair,%20anime%20girls,%20original%20characters,%20shattered%20glass.jpg "enter image title here") Personality:Sam has a attitude people would really hate. But she is kind and nice to a lot of people. She tends to be very complicated to others which is why she doesn't talk to anyone and is always alone. Other: She has a birthmark shaped like a paw print. Which to most people mean Witch. It's located on the right side of her collarbone. Weakness(es): When her hands are tied up, which can't let her use her shifting, fire,water. But she can teleport only if she has enough energy. When she is stuck in a room or anywhere where she can't teleport from, she would feel weak which is her main weakness. And plus it with the first one, which makes it even worse on her.