[center][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/26d9c06c3ab02e88b04de45724acd9c2/tumblr_inline_nebx9fPqpY1t3u8k2.gif[/img][/center] [i]"I think Waller wants us to work our breakout together. Our two contestants gave in to the temptation and broke out to savor the battle, but I'm still positive we can do this on our own. Are you in?"[/i] Slade's voice had Rose stopping in her tracks, turning her head to look at him from over her shoulder. Her soft pink lips pursed together slightly, as if in thought before she just shrugged her narrow shoulders and stepped away from the exit she had been intending to cross through after The Reverse Flash and Catman. Not that she was planning on following them blindly... no she meant what she said to Captain Boomerang earlier, she wanted a drink. [i]"That a-hole ain't m' buddy, dollface! Though I'll gladly take y' up on tha' offer darlin' if y' daddy over there is okay with it!"[/i] Rose heard Captain Boomerang call back to her and she smiled, unable to resist walking with a bit more sway to her hips to give the fellow Australian something to look at. Opening her mouth to reply to him, Rose felt her jaw close back shut as a sudden blur of red and black crossed her path just in front of her body. The speed blur stabilized for half a second for Rose to turn back around and see that it was The Reverse Flash that had come back to speak with Slade. [i]"I know what you're thinking,Slade. You're thinking Waller wanted us to work together,and by leaving the GPS She knew you'd have to rely on me somehow. See if you can't make a distraction while I vibrate through the walls. I'll see if I can locate our bird."[/i] Rose couldn't help but to vocally scoff from her position ten feet away from the two of them, throwing up her hands in defeat as she turned her back to them in annoyance for half a second. "Bloody good thing no one ever listens to a fucking word *I* have to say!" She expressed out loud to herself, her tone laced heavily with sarcasm. Was that not [i]just exactly[/i] what she had been talking to Captain Boomerang about? So why not talk to *her* about it? Why Slade? She knew why, and it got her blood pumping a little hot. No one here took her seriously, she was nothing more than a child thrown into the big dogs cage as a chew toy and nothing more. Well... most of the time she didn't mind being another man's chew toy, but when it came to her capabilities, both body and mind alike, she knew she had more to offer than just a good time. The problem was, how to prove it to this lot? Captain Boomerang was talking to Slade now, but her thoughts had taken away her care to listen in. All she knew was that one moment things were relatively fine, and the next they was open fire, Reverse Flash was gone again, and Captain Boomerang had let go an explosive boomerang that painted the walls red with the security guards' blood. [i]"Come let's get going, The Flash impersonator is already way ahead of us"[/i] Rose blinked, bringing her attention back to Catman. Just when the hell did he decide to pop back into the mix of things? The lack of organization was *really* starting to get to her so without even so much as waiting on who was going to say what next, Rose stomped over to the far wall and removing her twin blades from their sheathes on her back, started hacking at the metal until she made a tear. Putting her swords back where they belonged, she put her gloved hands between the new seam and with her amplified strength began to pry the metal apart until a hole big enough for her to squeeze through was made. "Look... I just want a fucking drink." She said bitterly to those behind her before slipping through the hole that landed her directly outside. The question was, where were they to go from here? The most logical choice was to stay put until The Reverse Flash came back with a direction as to where this plane would be. The next question was how they were going to get there. Twenty miles may not seem much to a man who could run at the speed of sound, but to all the others it would take a great deal of time, and if the point was for them to stay together... "They have to have some sort of military crate around here in storage somewhere. We need wheels while we wait for Roadrunner to get back to us." She voiced out loud, though was looking back at Slade as if his opinion was the only one that mattered; and truly... it was.