Jacob was shocked by the appearance of the two fighters, perhaps his luck was changing. A hatchet came flying towards he ducked as took the hood off his robe. He sighed resigning himself to his bad luck, the free brigand made a clumsy rush towards him screaming loudly. Jacob waited until he nearly set upon by the marauder side stepped and swift buried his sword in the mans neck. Next he drew his spell book and with the snap of his finger the brute the kind myrmidon had engaged screamed as he burnt alive, he looked at the older man. "I'm not a lad, I'm Champion of Naga and a prodigal tactician." With that took position alongside the spear-wielding woman as four more assailant took position at the end of the street, a priest, a mercenary, a mage, and a archer who was calling the shots ordering the remaining brigands to join them. "Miss stick with me, we go up the right." He looked to the swordsman he had free'd up. "Your on the left, you seem to have the more experience than us in combat." He spoke hoping is hastily prepared plan would work.