Saoji sat their quietly until someone appeared before his table. When he looked up he noticed it was Juliet (is it cool if I just call her Juliet since I can capitalize that name instead of lone? <_<) Oh what did she want now? Was she here to insult him again? He sighed and put his fist under his chin and turned back to read his book. After a moment, it got pretty awkward just sitting there in front of her without saying anything. But when Saoji got lost in the pages of his book, he could care less about what happened that morning. But nothing was going to come out of the situation if they just sat there in silence. He sighed and spoke to her while still having his eyes on the book. **"I just wanted to help."** he said before turning to the next page. He understands that it is alright to be the bigger person, especially if he wanted to convince others how to behave; how to treat others the way they would like to be treated. Saoji was a softy when it came to less chaotic moments. It was worth a try anyway. Instead of reading the book, he turned his gaze at Juliet and gave her his full attention. **"I didn't appreciate what you said to me this morning. But when people are in need of help...we help them right? I don't care who it is and whatever happens to them. Whether the trouble is big or small, the right thing to do is help them, right? That is what a good leader does. It says so here in this book."** he said and pointed at the book.