Well classes came and passed, for Thisa some quiet time was alright. Other then her brief meeting with Harold and Timothy from earlier she had not spoken with anyone else, why would she? She didn't feel like going back to her dorm room yet, besides lot of the students been talking about a meeting later that day, while Thisa didn't care about what the self-proclaimed rulers of the school had to say, a meeting would be interesting to watch at the very least. In the end Thisa decided to sit visit the cafeteria, the large room had a lot of healthy sunlight which made it a decent place to wait around in. The area wasn't completely empty, two students were already there, in fact she recognized one as Mr.Playboy himself, well if he was that kind of guy, the other one was a girl Thisa didn't know. Their presences didn't matter so she ignored and found a table in the far corner from the entrance to settle down in. Without a second thought Thisa searched in her bag to pull out the notebook, after all she had more then enough free time to make a few changes to her designs.