Name: Veragwen Xerayna. Also goes by Vera and Gwen. Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human Dragoon Spirit: White-Silver Dragoon Weapon: Longsword and buckler, Bow Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "Veragwen") Personality: Veragwen is beautiful, kind, and polite. She loves to help people however she can. She doesn’t particularly like combat, but isn’t afraid to fight. She isn’t exactly the justice forever type but will protect the innocent with all her strength. Vera is always determined, focused, and can on occasion be very stubborn. She’s a quick study and hard to dislike. History: Vera was raised in the small town of Seles. As a child she was bright and full of energy. She quickly became well loved by the people and soon took up learning to be an apocathary, creating healing potions and items and herbs to treat injured or sick townspeople. She matured quickly as bandit attacks became more and more common. She wasn’t about to stand by and let her little town be ransacked and her people hurt. At the age of 12. she took up the sword and bow, and became quite skilled in both weapons. Veragwen more or less appointed herself to something akin to Captain of the Seles Guard, even though such a group didn’t really exist, putting the wellbeing of Seles above all else.