When she moved over to curl up against him, Marken gave a smile and wrapped his arm around her. "Perhaps, but fathers want their children to follow in their footsteps, or outshine them. It's strange, I've had different perspectives. Nobility, the rich, they want their children to be stronger, athletic, but the poorer wish for their children to gain intelligence. No one's satisfied with what they have, they always want their line to do something different. I can understand that for some, but others... I don't know." He shook his head, smiling at her. "I'm glad for the vote of confidence, but I'd rather not get into fights at all, if it's all the same to you Ella." He chuckled to himself, stroking his hair affectionately. "I think I've decided that you're staying in my bed every night now, instead of going to sleep separately and waking up together."