Jacob smiled as he rushed archer, two arrows went flying one stuck in his shoulder and another grazed his cheek but he didn't stop, he just grasped his sword tighter. He pulled it out and with one swoop the Gheb was dead, as were his men. Jacob turned looking at the those around him, spotting another swords men and a young girl... No wait, a Dark mage easy to spot them there magical presence was... Different to say the least but they were good at hiding it to. "Thank you for aiding me, I'd be dead if not for your brave efforts." As he spoke he ripped the arrow out of his shoulder gasping before quickly applying vulernary to the wounds. "I suppose introduction are in order, I'm Jacob, a tactician and Naga's Champion if Lady Tiki is to be believed." He sighed examining his ruined robes. "Great, I'll have to get this tailored. Anyway if any of you would like to join me I'm heading up to the castle, I need to see about some aid for my quest." He turned his robe fluttering behind him. He almost looked regal as he walked towards the castle people watching in awe, those who had hidden now cheered. The Champion of Naga was real, at least to them.