Andi took another deep breath and hadn't even heard the other girl approach her. Upon being touched, she nearly jumped out of her skin, giving a bit shake from surprise. She didn't bother to turn around to see who it was before sputtering out: "Have **you** heard of personal space?!" Almost immediately after saying that, the boat gave a slight rock, causing Andi to lurch over the railing again with a feeling of nausea. She felt her Lucario's paws on her back and she gave a bit of a cough, "N-Nevermind," she stuttered to the other girl who she had yet to see the appearance of. "I'm sorry for lashin'." --- Ross hadn't recalled falling asleep that night. Though he could feel the warmth from Rivet's fur, being able to tell that she was fast asleep. Periodically throughout the night, he would run his fingers through her silky fur. It was before sunrise when the announcement came over the intercom, saying that they would dock in twenty minutes. Taking that as a time to pull himself together, the silver-haired teen dragged himself out of bed and lazily threw his hat on. He didn't even bother with his appearance and quite frankly, he looked like shit. He was exhausted too, as indicated by the massive bags that hung under his eyes. Already, he was beginning to miss the comfort of the Professor's lab. Instead of further remaining on the topic in his mind, he left the room and decided to go for a well-deserved walk. Rivet walked beside him, though she was almost never in her Pokeball, he always carried it with him anyway. He also had the bracelet that would allow her to Mega evolve at anytime always attached as well. Turning a corner, he stopped behind a young girl with yellow hair, watching two trainers in stance. One had a Swablu and the other a Froslass. "Man," he said with a yawn to the trainer with the Mareep, "that Swablu is so screwed."