Jerod had just wrenched the blade from the priest's neck, which was mostly severed. Mostly. He heard the hostile mage being dealt with appropriately, with lightning if the sound, and smell of charred flesh, was to be believed. Wiping the blood off his blade, he wandered over to the tactician lad, sheathing the blade and chuckling at the surrounding combat zone. "Ach, this is a right bloody mess we've made. Lad, I hate to tell ye this, but I think these tossers are a bit miffed about ye being this Champion o' Naga or whatever ye call the blasted title. Call it a blind ol' hunch, aye? Not that this lot didn't do half bad I wager, these backstabbin' sodders never saw it coming!" Jerod was clearly still, despite the gravity of the situation, giving the lad a hard time, all in good fun of course. And the others present got a bit of it too, just for good measure. But when the lad mentioned a quest, Jerod fell in behind him, stretching and checking over his mail coat to see if it needed fixed. Quests meant gold, and he needed gold right now. Plus, he'd get to see the world like he had been doing already, on another man's pay. Sounded fine by him. "Well lad, I haven't helped carve up mercs to dash off now. Ye have my aid, fer what it be worth."