It's nice to see how many people are showing interest. However I noticed that some people are going to wait until the OOC. I don't blame you guys- the interest check OP information wise is lacking in organized rules or the format of app sheets along with some lore. For now, here's the current design for the founding species: ![A Upsilion]( "This one's particularly 'hairy'") Please tell me if this is a good species for the founding race. Specifically, is this a species you can see yourself making use of in this RP? It is important the founding species is something people want to use since being the founding species, chances are they'll be a common sight in the hegemony. Chances are i'll make more alien designs regardless. Maybe i'll have to make multiple species designs and have people who have interest in the RP elect their alien overlords. The general idea I was trying to do is make a alien that's alien enough to say 'certainly isn't a human' while not being something unrelatable. Consider this illustration more or less my attempt to visualize a Upsilion.