Takeshi Kiski was having an odd day. This was in part, due to the complete lack of sleep he got. The room spinning every now and then when he blinked or closed his eyes did nothing to help how he was feeling that day. And having school just made trying to keep himself awake just that much worse. He was lucky though, they had some more interesting material today in several classes, which allowed him to zone out of his current state and go into his realm of focus, leaving behind the world around him, just as it did him. He also thought back on *why* he was up the whole night. The answer being simple: He had recieved a strange ass text last night that spoke of a war basically, super powers, and a whole lot of contestents- and he apperently had become one unknowingly. But the main reason was simpler than that- He could move shadows. He could bend, shape, mold, and he thought he might even be able to craft with them. He found this out last night. He just moved a few shadows, but suddenly, he knew he could move more. After all, if he couldn't, why would he get the creepy text? So he tried. And then he got sucked into a combination or reading, pondering, and testing out his newfound "ability." He wasn't doing all **too** bad with it....he thought anyway. But this is suppose to be a war, and he just got his materials for fighting in it. He was undoubtably behind. And that didn't bode well for his chances of winning, or surviving. Takeshi didn't like that. So devoted the night to teaching himself some simple tricks and the like that he could use to get himself by for now as protection. He didn't want to be like Emiya Shirou on his first night after all. Every night after didn't seem all that bad though, except for the ending. The endings always seem to suck for Shirou somehow....yeah. Maybe that *wasn't* the best of ideas to think up of or go with.... **"Yo, Kiski-san, could you help explain these problems for us?"** Another group of students asked for his help. Again. For the nth day in a row. He began to wonder why he bothered with the idiots. *No matter. I might as well just get this over with for now. Then I can read for a while instead.* Nodding to himself slighty, Takeshi went over to help the students, and let the most of the school day pass by relatively uninhibited.