I was still going over the flyer in my hand for the millionth time when I reached the small village of Seles, woefully unaware that the village was in the process of mourning those who'd died the previous evening. I couldn't care any less about the gold reward, these folks are in serious need of help. *Probably just a really angry bear anyways. Wonder if they'll lend me some honey for it...* Looking up from the flyer, I stop as I realize that not only was I in Seles, but it would seem I had arrived in the midst of a period of mourning, and for reasons that probably connected to the monster attacking them. I frown as I look around, unable to find a suitable joke to make some smiles appear and instead decide to find an inn and possibly some food and rest before starting my questioning in the morning. Of course, I was still clueless about the dead body behind me, but that didn't matter much with my stomach growling at me loudly. Getting directions to the inn from one of the guards, I set off humming a soft tune to myself while I search. After several incorrect doors and dodged projectiles in the forms of plates, boots and other items, I find the inn and enter, a smile on my face despite the dark atmosphere. "Hello! Where might I find the inn keeper?" The downtrodden and disheartened faces that greeted me left me mumbling a quick apology and going to find a suitable room for the night. As I went to check each guest room, I muttered to myself about the ill effects on one's health always wearing a frown can have and quickly find a room just up the stairs and on the left. Setting my belongings down, I head back down and discuss the arrangements with him before retrieving my sword and dagger and going out to discuss the attacks with someone who knew what they were about.