Jacob just stared, his eyes looking glassy and unfocused while his clenched fist trembled. Whatever it was about this girl, Jacob saw her as a bad omen. Again and again, voices shout at him from her direction, some siding with her and some against her. For a moment Jacob's vision cracked, a slender and unhappy looking shadow holding a hand on the girl's throat. He knew it wasn't real, but ever time he actually saw shadows he knew it wouldn't be long before others could see them too. "No," was all he could manage to say, lowering his arm and keeping both of them at his side firmly. Again the shadow flashed, this time leaning carelessly on the girls head with a crooked smile on it's face. It disappeared from view with the blink of an eye, and Jacob's gaze regained it's focus. "No. Whatever it was you wanted the answer is no," he said sternly, a depressed sigh sounding from behind the girl. _Half an hour. Half an hour until you pills kick in_, he thought, wanting the hallucinations to stop for just one day. ((Just for 100% clarity the shadows and voices aren't there; just a product of the mind until they absorb something to give them shape))