Allright, I'm going to assume you know what the hell I'm talking about. Your a new student at the academy, and todays your first day. A new semester is starting now and as a weapon or a meister you must now train. The Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA) is a special institution for humans who are born with the power to turn into weapons and the wielders of these weapons, called meisters. While the students of the EAT (Especially Advantaged Talent) class train themselves to become warriors of justice, the NOT (Normally Overcome Target) class is for those who just want to control their powers with the intent to not become a threat to others and to themselves. You are a member of the NOT class, you will be learning to continue and maybe advance to EAT! --- Alright, lets keep this simple. Your character can be weapon or meister, I want us to RP everything. One character per player, at least at first, and all standard rules apply. I want you to rp everything, thats the point. Also, wait at least two posts before posting again, making it more dynamic. You could of course PM rp things, then post a colab post for conviniance, that way it doesn't clutter things two much. Meister CS~ **Name:** **Gender:** **Apearance:** [only anime style pictures if you would, no live shots. pictures arn't necessarily necessary.] **Short Bio:** **Personal Efects:*** **Weapon:** [Meisters and weapons start on the first day, you don't have a weapon yet. RP it out, ok? You could potentially have weapons and meisters that know each other before meeting, but still only one char per player so collaborate with someone on that.] Weapon CS~ **Name:** **Gender:** **Appearance:*** **Weapon Form:** **Short Bio:** **Personal Effects:** **Meister:**