Waverly Directory 2 [h1][color=BlanchedAlmond]Locations/Map[/color][/h1] [i][color=BlanchedAlmond]How do we know where you are, you ask? Why, I'll have you know that I have hidden cameras set up all over the place! Huehuehuehue![/color][/i] Current Character Locations: All characters are currently at the Grand Courtyard! (*) represents logical guess. **Locations:** [color=BlanchedAlmond][u][h3]Inside Waverly[/h3][/u][/color] Cerberus Minor Corridor [indent]It's a small and almost dark corridor found in one of the dorm wings of the Waverly Manor, connecting it to the main building. This particular corridor is infamous for forming alliances amongst students who do not have the best of moral compasses. Please tread carefully.[/indent] [hider][img]http://davidroccato.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/corridor.jpg[/img] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/031/9/9/beneath_the_arch_by_estruda-d4o0s39.jpg[/img][/hider] Dorm Rooms [indent]Waverly Academy is able to host up to three thousand students while they undergo their tutelage here. The dorm rooms are rather more like single suites with a small kitchen and stove. It really just consists of a single master bedroom with a bathroom and the kitchen area. The dorm rooms themselves are interconnected to one another through doors which may lead to a common area/lounging area. The five dormitory wings are a whopping five stories high and designed in a "U" shape. Dorms may be co-ed.[/indent] Library [indent]A sanctuary to those seeking knowledge or perhaps a quiet place to work. It is stacked to the ceiling with books and reference material and it is two stories high. There is an adult section on the second floor, protected from underage students by a magical hex. If you dare trespass this space, you'll end up with a rather uncomfortable malady lasting a week![/indent] [hider] [img]http://www.lihg.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=228.0;attach=262;image[/img] [img]http://imneilashiqakash.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/bedales-memorial-library-by-george-wilson-2401.jpg?w=300[/img] [/hider] The Grand Courtyard [indent]A reception area and a recreational space for students. Many gather here on after-school hours or meet here during the weekends and it is here that you may often see young hearts all aflutter whilst dating. A popular spot for friends and couples.[/indent] Grounds [indent]Oh? Feeling a little adventurous, are you? Be sure to be careful there, there's no telling what could be lurking outside the walls of the academy. *dark laughter*[/indent] Dining Hall [indent]Ahhh, there's nothing like the sounds of a fully occupied dining hall. Merriment and laughter is heard all around as friends sit with each other and kid. There are no real seat assignments in place, however, you may see divisions within the student body itself. Returning students tend to separate themselves from newer students and each of these bodies have their own individual groups. Please try not to make a mess, the fabric on these tables are dry clean only. They're quite expensive to maintain... There are small touchscreens built into the table itself, one for each seat. Once the student orders, the request is transmitted to the kitchen and the servers retrieve and deliver their food via a dolly. [/indent] [hider] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110502093325/aonoexorcist/images/a/a2/School_Cafeteria.jpg[/img] [/hider] Main Corridor [indent]The Main Corridor stretches out across the manor, and snakes it's way up all five floors of the manor. There is usually a lot of traffic throughout the day and sometimes you may find yourself in a traffic jam as you hurry from one class to the next. Beware of disturbances such a fights or demonstrations. Corridors branch out from this artery and into capillaries which connect to various classrooms around the academy.[/indent] [hider] [img]http://sazanami.net/wordpress/image/2011/11/111127_030.jpg[/img] [img]http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/3449/eventbackground07.png[/img] [/hider] [color=BlanchedAlmond][u][h3]Locations outside school grounds[/h3][/u][/color] Vincent's Personal Pocket Dimension: With his powers, Vincent is able to access his silent sanctuary in order to rest or spend some time alone. He seems to be able to access it by drawing a glyph, allowing a dimensional rift to appear. His dimension is vulnerable to having audio pass through the gates and being open to intruders if he forgets to close the gates. It's like leaving the door open to your room, per se... The pocket dimension's appearance and constitution may be altered at Vincent's will to suit his needs.