Waverly Directory 3 Reserved for Character Sheets [h2][color=LemonChiffon]Active Character Listing[/color][/h2] Name: Kat Winters (Wintersunshine) [hider=Kat Winters]Age:16 Gender: female Appearance: [img]http://c3e308.medialib.glogster.com/media/90/90d6ee4e432c9070e948e9848f96e6e997e0db9abdc5164a0cb4b93ca93f4910/normal-anime-girl-jpg.jpg[/img] Gift: she is a pyro. She can summon and bend fire, she has trouble controlling it especially when she is scared or upset and has burnt people she care about. Bio: She grew up being the oldest of her and her sister living with two parents. Then one day everything changed when her parents got divorced and out of being upset and confused in the middle of the night the house was in flames. Her family was dead and she ran away and lived in the streets until she heard about this school. Doing everything she could to get accepted by talking to the administers and working for a year she got enough money to attend and left England to go to the school. The people in her town think she is dead her friends think she is dead and she didn't go to her family funeral and hasn't seen anyone from that town since.[/hider] Name: Liliana (Wintersunshine) [hider=Liliana]Age: 17 Gift: giving wishes but come with a price and depending on the wish she lose energy for a small amount of time Appearance: [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=3370856[/img] Bio: She can't remember what happen to her family. All she remember is waking in a foster home and her family is gone and she could hear her foster parents whisper about her making a wish and how she has to go to this school.[/hider] Name: Alexander Exodus (GamingOwl) [hider=Alexander Exodus] Age: 17 Gender: Male Gift: Imagination - He has the gift to summon anything from his imagination but can only summon objects(the biggest he can summon is about the size of a tank), he still can't summon anything that is living but he can summon plants. Basically the bigger the object the more stamina is taken away from him so if he tried to summon something he would probably get tired quickly. Appearance: [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/8a692cb8483e5feaafc5e54c18cf6633/tumblr_mp6jugwUZw1s2hir7o1_500.jpg[/img] Bio: When Alexander was 8 he used to be fun, goofy, and funny until one day his parents died in a terrible car crash. When Alex found out his parents died he felt like he was alone and didn't want to believe that they died. He was then sent to a foster home where he stayed there for about two months until a married couple adopted him. Alexander didn't accept them, he wanted his real parents to take care of him not strangers he doesn't know. His personality changed when he was at the foster home and with the couple who adopted him. Alex would always have an expressionless face that would never curl up or down and he would talk in a cold tone of voice. He hated his life and would yearn for his parents every night but knew they would never come back. But one day Alex was 12 and having a dream about one day when it was his birthday and his parents had gotten him a locket with their pictures in it on the inside. When he woke up he was thinking and was mad at himself for losing it when he was younger. Then he looked at the digital clock on the end table that was next to his bed to check the time but to his surprise the locket he was thinking about was on the end table. Alex opened the locket and his lips actually curled up for the first time in year and tears started to come from his eyes. He then put the locket on and vowed to never take it off and then Alex's personality changed and became polite, nice, kind, and his lips would curl up a little sometimes. Then a day after he thought he would play with his tiny toy car but couldn't find it so he imagined how it looked like and then out of nowhere the car appeared in his hand so he found out about his gift. He then became determined to train himself so he could imagine bigger things so everyday he would go for a jog or work out. Then one day he got into a fight with his adopted parents and accidently summoned a bottle because he felt like breaking something since he was so mad. They were so scared but Alexander explained it to them and they decided then and there that he needed to learn to control it so it wouldn't go out of hand and injury somebody on accident. [/hider] Name: Keith Strauss (Slendy) [hider=Keith Strauss]Age: 17 Gender: Male Gift: Shadow Manipulation- This allows Keith to control his shadow and do possibly anything he wants with it. He mainly materializes his shadow into a sword or use his shadow to pick up heavy things. Appearance: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-71yHjR27yeI/UBU-hn2N0OI/AAAAAAAABBU/T4U4CD3QPfE/s1600/Night_Crow_Wallpaper_1366x768_wallpaperhere.jpg[/img] Bio: Keith life was perfect. He had a happy, healthy loving family with a mom and a dad. But sadly that perfect life had to end when his father lost his job. Keith was 7 when his dad began to drink and abuse his mother. He tried to ignore it for a couple of years but it escalated to far one night and Keith snapped letting all his suppressed feelings free. He couldn't control his new power to bend his shadow to do his biding. He just wanted to hurt his father like he hurts his mother. His anger took over and he uncontrollably killed his father. Keith didn't fell much regret for his actions he just wanted everything to be like normal. Keith's mother understood his actions and decided that he should try to practice using his powers until he has a full grasp on his powers. [/hider] Lucifer, The Fallen Angel (Slendy) [hider=Lucifer] Name:Lucifer Age:19 Gender:Male Gift:Dark Magic/Matter- Feeds off the negative energy and souls of humans Appearance: [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2bv4sS05XhaWDJaMRzDXd8jnAj-QPZs0mKkKNUjNlXpyozys8[/img] Bio: Lucifer is a fallen angel that stole away to earth to began his construction of hell. While on earth he plans to steal human souls and find a mate and there's no better place to do both than at a school. [/hider] Name: Vincent Vulpes (22xander) [hider=Vincent Vulpes]Age:13 Gender: Male Appearance: He has the ears and tails of a fox. He wears jeans and a black trench-coat with a grey tee-shirt under it. He wears a black and silver collar, with a bit of heavy silver chain along two cuffs on each of his rists simuler to the collar. Gift: He has the ability to manipulate cosmic energys through glifs and the like, inter-dimensional travel is a norm which alows him to speak with the beangs he uses to controll his gift. Bio: He was orphaned at birth by the cosmic energy that he uses to control his gifts. He was bound to the cosmic Kitsune, a fox being, which bound him to itself with the silver chains. The being also granted the 'gifts' of his vulpine morphology.[/hider] Daniel Fedin (13sparx) [hider=Daniel] 14 years old. Daniel looks a little old for his age, which- along with some decent clothes- keeps anyone from questioning whether he has a home. He has brown hair, about down to his earlobes, and green eyes. Daniel's power is sound manipulation. This can manifest itself in every way from amplification to pitch alteration, but he tends to make use of it in other ways in combat. He uses instruments, primarily an electric guitar, to use these powers in battle. He theoretically could do it using any noise, but the instrument acts as a focus, as (similar to most supernatural abilities in fiction) he can't use them without a clear mind, and a battle is a hell of a place to achieve concentration. Chord types correspond to their effects; a minor chord, for example, is a malevolent effect, while something like a D7 would have a more neutral effect, and an F chord would be benevolent. As for his life, he's an orphan. No one really ever figures it out, since he gets a decent amount of cash from playing on street corners, and occasionally getting a legitimate gig in a bar or something. Still, you can't live on the street for your entire teenage life without the government eventually finding out, so he's taken the Academy as his home. [/hider] Name: Seth Stellar (DFA) [hider=Seth Stellar] Age: 16 Appearance: [img]http://cdn02.cdn.socialitelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/19/logan-lerman-flaunt-08192014-04-675x900.jpg[/img] Gift: Seth is gifted with the ability to ease illnesses, soothe rampant emotions, and heal minor wounds and cuts. He is able to heal massive injuries and heal broken bones, but he trades off a small portion of his life in doing so, which may vary from a few moments or even a few years...or perhaps more depending on the situation. Depending on the heal, he can be easily exhuasted as well. Due to his power, Seth has an above average rate of recovery and vitality compared to others. Bio: Seth displays a kind and carefree attitude and tries to be polite and open whenever possible. He enjoys a good laugh and might dabble in the ocassional prank with a friend now and then. He's the only child of a single mother. When he was a toddler, his parents went through a divorce due to the husband displaying abusive behaviors to his mom - she refuses to tell Seth of what happened to his father after their split, not that Seth cares anyways. Seth discovered his powers when he turned 13 on September 13th due to accidentaly slicing his finger open with a small kitchen knife. It was a deep cut, but the wound happened to close within half an hour and left no scar as if nothing happened. It wasn't until the week of Halloween that he could really notice his power working after quickly recovering from the flu only a couple of days he aqcuired it, and that particular flu was projected to last for at least a couple of weeks. On one of the nights he was sick, he witnessed miniscule minty green colored transparent cubes of light gathering around him, concentrated in the areas which he had symptoms affecting him at the time (throat, lungs, and head). He was able to touch them and relocate them somewhere else, producing a numbing sensation in that particular area. His mom claims it as the works of God and that he's blessed by angels, but Seth feels it's something else. Since that event, he's tried to push the limits of his abilities and even experimented with himself on several occasions. He knows he can heal minor injuries easily, but as he progressed to larger and more severe wounds, he felt something was being taken away from him, leaving him with cold sweats and a rapidly beating heart. After recently receiving an invitation letter from the mysterious Waverly Academy claiming they'd be able to help him discover himself and his powers, he agreed to go. Thus, he journeys here in order to understand more about himself and what more can he do with his abilities and how to improve on them if possible. He also wishes to learn the origins of his power, whether it'd be through some sort of radiation exposure, something in the water, or through inheritance. Seth is currently neutral at this time ... and single ;) Classes: Gift Control 101/Homeroom English Math Music Gym Physics Anatomy *** Biology *** Botany *** EMT *** Due to the nature of his gift, Seth feels that he should invest heavily into science subjects in order to help him with his power. [/hider] Name: Claire Arias (DFA) [hider=Claire] Age: 16 Gender: Female Gift: Cryomancer - The ability to form ice and manipulate it. Claire often manifests her power into a spear to defend herself. Appearance: [url=http://animerenderss.deviantart.com/art/Anime-Girl-Render-9-385500354][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/195/0/5/anime_girl_render_9_by_animerenderss-d6dilz6.png[/img][/url] Bio: Claire is the "smart cookie" of three sisters and was born at the same time as her twin sister Desiree. Academics is her strongest point and often finds herself competing for the number one spot in class. Nothing else feels more satisfying to her than being on top after all. She's also an avid gamer in her free time, her favorite genre being Strategy or anything involving tactics and thinking. Whenever angry or challenged, she lets it build internally and converts it into a quiet determination to savagely beat down her competition in the most humiliating way possible. The view or lament of her broken rival crumpled by defeat satisfies the darker and sadistic side of her otherwise serene and calm personality. However, she doesn't rub it in and quickly follows up with a display of good sportsmanship and encouragement. She often uses the online alias "Conquex" and does not intend to become a professional gamer. Although she may look cold and unapproachable, Claire is kind and is great at reading other people. She is also self-driven and motivated to take on any challenges to come her way. Her other hobbies include free writing, reading, watching anime, and having deep discussions with strangers. Also enjoys a hot cup of tea. Claire is inclined towards order and is partial to the Good side. [/hider] --- Name: Desiree "Dez" Arias (DFA) [hider=Desiree] Age: 16 Gender: Female Gift: Charm - Desiree tends to get what she wants through using her voice and using her assets (if necessary). She may also empower others through her words. Appearance: [url=http://orihimeyuuka.deviantart.com/art/Danganronpa-Junko-Enoshima-render-png-442882504][img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140716062724/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/thumb/3/31/Danganronpa_junko_enoshima_render_png_by_orihimeyuuka-d7boibs.png/500px-Danganronpa_junko_enoshima_render_png_by_orihimeyuuka-d7boibs.png[/img][/url] Bio: Contrary to Claire's quieter personality, Desiree possesses a cheery personality that's also rather contagious to those around her. She also has a tendency to get whatever she wants thanks to her gift. Out of the two sisters, Desiree is more sociable and charismatic. Her character flaw is selfishness as she tends to use others to satisfy her materialistic wants. [i]"It's not bad Claire, it's like you using your resources to win your games. It's like RTS in real life, you should try it sometime~!"[/i] Claire often opposes her manipulation, seeing it as it deprives people of their free will. However, she'll be preoccupied with the Academy and Desiree may just be able to flex her power freely and in a more subtle manner. Neutral [/hider] [h2][color=PeachPuff]Inactive Character Listing[/color][/h2] -Placeholder- [b]---[/b] [h2][color=BlanchedAlmond]Administration: (Plot-essential)[/color][/h2] Headmaster: Currently under control by - Wintersunshine An eccentric, wise, and benevolent man who is often seen with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a small smile on his face. He wields mighty powers and sometimes can be found roaming around the Academy. His support staff aid in him in educating and running the academy. [hider] [center][img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/2262/134645-016304831_super.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Secretary The school's secretary, Ms. Haswell, is in charge of most of the administrative paperwork and record handling. [hider] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/a2da8575e6a5725d2cc17c07d740f44b/oys56b5/cHsmrvdzp/tumblr_static_216365_643188072363223_1370499296_n.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Dean: Currently under control by - DFA Mr. Sean, is the school's dean and is in charge of rewarding good behavior...or punishing bad behavior. He is also tasked with overwatching conflicts that may happen within the school, especially conflicts that take place between those that align themselves as "benign" and those who are "evil". There is a certain balance that must be kept. Mr. Sean has the gift of intelligence and decisive thinking, making him an excellent tactician in conflicts and an important voice of the staff whenever meetings are conducted. He is strict in his punishments. [hider] [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2hz6260.png[/img][/center] [/hider] Nurse: Ms. Rina is a very caring and empathetic young miss. She looks at the students under her care as her own children. As the school's nurse, she wields healing powers to cure ailments and heal injuries. Her clinic may be found on the fourth floor of the academy. She teaches medical courses within the clinic. Rumor has it that she may be bipolar...She is often seen with the school counselor, Mr. St. Markus [hider] [center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/103694-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] School Counselor Klein St. Markus A sage-like 27 year old white haired man who posseses a supernatural sensitivity towards his surroundings and other people's emotions and state of minds. He is also able to recieve premonitions and predictions of what might happen in the future through dreams or through spacing out. Often found outside the school, staring off into the horizon with a cigarette in his hands whenever he isn't busy, he finds himself contemplating of the state of the school and its students. He deeply cares for the student body. He is often seen with Ms. Rina. [hider] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140328220438/loveroleplay/images/2/20/Render_anime_boy.png[/img] [/hider] ---- Teachers/Teacher's Aides Waiters/Waitresses, Custodians, Maids [indent]Pip, the over-dramatic Waiter: The is a certain young man who works as a waiter and he tends to take his job too seriously...Please don't mind his silliness.[/indent]